Please be reminded, this guidance applies to both school-based and non-school-based employees. Here is the information that the DOE sent to principals regarding the application process. text-align: center; .main-content a.button, .main-content a.icon-button { Makes links in Photo Gallery captions white so they can be seen. position: static; However, during the week, the upper level isn't open unless there's a big enough crowd, like a huge holiday. .embedded-entity.align-right { clear: both; width: auto; ******* columns: 4; Any CSA members who are over the age of 65 and/or who have an underlying medical condition as set forth by the CDC guidelines may be eligible for an . M.G. This still needs work. Fixes a padding issue on the bottom of Single Curated Featured Content blocks { .clarchives ul { } padding: 0; Please reach out to the 504 Coordinator and/or Health Director for your child's school. v. City of New York (WiFi Case): Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement, Moises Jimenez et at v New York City Department of Education (Sports Equity Case): Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement, NYC Student Transportation Modernization Plan, Community and Citywide Education Councils, Guidance on Public Meetings and School Visits, Elections 2023 Community and Citywide Education Councils, Training Opportunities for Education Council Members, Roles and Responsibilities of Education Councils, Frequently Asked Questions on CCEC Elections 2023, About Community and Citywide Education Councils, Community and Citywide Education Councils Meeting Calendar, Parent Letter 504 Accommodation Reauthorization (School Year 2022 2023),, They have a physical or mentalimpairment; and. column-rule: 1px solid #ddd; margin: 3px 0px; .pager__item { [CDATA[/* >ul{ } NY Teachers for Choice is a space where educators - and all union members - can voice their concern about forcing medical mandates. background-image: url("/themes/custom/uft/images/icons/member-hub-icon.svg"); color:#e93836; SOLAS makes it easier to apply for a leave of absence and upload the necessary supporting documentation. .main-content::after Requests for 504 Accommodations are reviewed by the NEST+m 504 Team monthly. } Example 1: A student stubbed their toe and visits the nurses office for treatment during the day. display: block; padding: 20px; Copyright The New York City Department of Education. order: 99; .main-content::before .trigger, font-size: 1.75rem; .toolbar-vertical .account-menu-pilot .menu-navigable__sub-wrapper{ Typically at the DOE, students who require related services receive them through an Individualized Education Program (IEP), and not a 504 Plan. margin: auto; .clarchives li a { .split h3 { } } { Requires a further look, but for now. This forces the sidebar to display after the main content at mobile viewport sizes. } ******* background-size: 80px; [CDATA[/* >