based game! Lori: I'll have one Monster Burper, and one cheese burger, hold the Mayo, the Mustard and the Pickles. I wrote the story because Lynn bullying Lincoln in the show is painful for me to watch. - You aren't as mature as I thought after all! "Oh thanks," Lincoln chuckled embarrassedly. Put your head back on, do you want us to get stung by a jellyfish!" She yelled. Lynn: >annoyed, to Lincoln< Will you please not bring up the mean/nice sister trope? I didn't know I could pull this off! Rita: A Godzilla game on a computer? Lincoln: Yes, I just had to replace one of the heads. Lynn dashed towards Lincoln but he stopped her by his left foot and pushed her to make her fall on floor. The Loud House is a trademark of Nickelodeon created by Chris Savino. (It later cuts to lunchtime where Lincoln manages to sit with his friends). Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. (Lincoln goes on his phone for a good picture of Godzilla, he selects the one he likes and shows Lori a Godzilla picture he liked). "Abraham Lincoln's assassination was at Peterson House, Washington D.C. on April 15th 1865" is wrong. Employee: >on speaker phone< Okay, One Monster Burper and one cheese burger, hold the Mayo, the Mustard and the Pickles. Lincoln: >to Rita< Mom, she said I cannot do a game that's too similar to the one they already did. (It then cuts to the last student's game presentation of the Ace Savvy fan game made by Chandler who's desgins of Ace himself are atrocious, he fights one of ace's bad guys and the entire class cringed at the game , once the game was over, Chandler exits the game and pulls his flash drive out of the computer, Ms. Merdich was not pleased with his game). 5% of strength, 10% of strategy, 85% of effort. Viruses: One of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us! Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, will you present us your character sprites and their animation? (After Ms. Merdich writes Chandler's name on the board, she then begins the lesson). Just colder. Ronnie Anne: Oh sure, and according to the schedule, I have the same classes as you. Stella: I didn't know it was challenging, but maybe if I beat him, I'll teach you a few tricks if I can. Bolhofner virus: Well, well well, making a game huh Loud? Ms. Merdich: Ah, Fair Dinkum mate, not many people in Australia is big on Godzilla than in America or Japan, but that seems to interest me, because you know I like all things Bird or Reptile alike, but Mammals? - Wow, Lincoln, you could have talked me to death. Lynn's comes home from school angry that she lost in her baseball game which she takes here anger out on Lincoln however after here argument with Lincoln. Today is a huge day for me it's the one year anniversary of me doing Loud House Fanfictions, so I decided to release this one-shot because of it. (pretty soon all of the girls left the table as they all got board with Luan's bad puns). "Yami Shibai" is a horror anthology series. - Lana was confused - Why do you change your mind now? Luna: Don't tell me, the Hof is giving you homework or is Lynn giving you any trouble again? Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? Mr. Bolhofner: >annoyed, to Lincoln< SHUT UP LOUD, I'M YOUR TEACHER AND YOU MUST DO WHAT I SAY, SO GET BACK TO YOUR SEAT, AND THAT GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU, I'M IN CHARGE, NO MORE OF THAT STUPID PROJECTS ABOUT MAKING DOLLS OR COMPUTER GAMES IN MY CLASSROOM! (It starts with a black screen with the narrator reading the words on the screen) Narrator: >reads< "Previously on The Loud House" Ronnie Anne: My familia's got COVID and my Mom and Bobby are staying here for the week until my familia feels better. Lincoln: It's fine you guys, at least I have that nice substitute, who knows how long that will last. Godzilla Lori: I just finished up my first Kaiju fight, just shoved her face in the volcano. Lori: The Heisei Godzilla? More like Lamezilla you ask me! Lincoln: Whoever the new substitute is, I'm sure he or she will be here on time. Loud Light - True that! 1049 - A bit dark there. - That was just a stupid joke! Abraham Lincoln's assassination was actually at. Lincoln pulled a cord and a line of cannons blasted out confetti, delighting the audience. Afterward, she was sent to live with family members in Retro City, during her five years in the city, she learned how to control her. fan game, but I made a fan game based upon my new interest, Kaiju, if it hadn't been for my two elder sisters Lori and Luna talking me into it. - Lynn explained standing in pain - The bullies in middle school attack without warning and they are beasts compare to the ones in elementary school. Lincoln: >in thought< I think I should start by adding the big five Godzilla monsters with Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah and MechaGodzilla, but what about the other three? - Lynn complained - So many bruises on my body. - Lola complained - This is so awful! Ms. Merdich: Alright class, now it's time we talk about your homework assignment, for your homework assignment, I would like for you to animate your character, animations are not easy, it can be stressing but you'll get the hang of it, you just need to draw parts of the body of your character, paste them together on a character you designed while you can move your character in any action, whether it's walking, running, blocking, ducking, punching, kicking, swimming and other actions, you can animate as many characters as you want, but remember, the animations are worth fifty percent of your grade, you have at least seven days to make them, oh, and don't forget to color your character, that's worth twenty five percent of your grade, that will give you seven days to animate your character, and then we can move on to backgrounds, now remember, draw some parts of the body, paste them all together and then animate the action of your character, I'm counting on you. Ms. Merdich: Crikey, I almost forgot, if you have teamwork that's involved with your project, make sure you give everyone else the credit they deserve. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Luan: I hope everyone's ready for good show, 'cause I can guarantee this will be a real "blast". (Lincoln and his classmates learned all about the history of China, all day long he kept reading his text book and started taking notes, then it goes to near the end of the school day where Ms. Merdich was finished reading a few chapters of "Hatchet", she then puts the book down). (Lincoln grabbed Godzilla's head and jaw and pieced them together, Lori was impressed as he felt like he could do this on his own, he pieced in more of the characters and he finished them all, and saved them onto one file on his flash drive, then he needed to work on breath abilities, so he went back to drawing and did the abilities such as Atomic breath and gravity beams, he then remembered that Carol still needed that scanner, so he didn't felt like calling her, he then found and idea to scan them while he is at school, he thought he could scan them at the library, then finished them all, and finally went back to work on his characters, what he did was check and see if there were any errors, he did not find any errors on the characters, except for King Ghidorah whos left headed jaw was a little bit off the scale, so he cleared off the head and replaces the completed head and jaw and did it perfectly, Lori then noticed what is up with Lincoln). Ms. Merdich: Okay class, pencils down and pass up all of your test papers up front, >to Lincoln< and Lincoln, would you be a dear and bring them to the desk please? Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Clyde: Sorry guys, I have to decline, my dad's and I are doing family bowling night! I fear myself because I know I am able to cause this. (The bell rang, and class was dismissed, at the hallway, all of Lincoln's friends Stella, Clyde, Liam, Rusty and Zach all came up to him). (Back at The Loud House during night time, Lincoln was ready for bed, he puts on his pajamas and starts reading the latest issue of his Ace Savvy comic, he couldn't stop thinking about making the game that he wanted to do, after all he is an Ace Savvy fan, but if someone already has a plan to do an Ace Savvy game, he could do either an A.R.G.G.H! When looking up what other horror anime are worth checking out, I came across "Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories". What do you mean I don't know much? I don't want you to suffer this. Lynn was confused but waited until the smoke is gone. Lincoln: I'm sorry you had to hear that, I had a nightmare that I was going to be a computer virus. I am the one who shall ask you for not hating me. Lynn figured out Lincoln is wearing the protector she gave to him. My fifty-fifth fanfiction. So, in utter boredom, he just laid on his bed, hoping for something to happen. I mean, they were a pretty big animation company, especially during the 1990's. Sorry it took so long. Lynn Sr.: I really didn't know what was wrong with him, but I did hear that he had a mental breakdown. Really? - Lynn said to Lincoln - Besides now I know you know how to deal with bullies even if you should without gadgets and traps. Luan: Nothing is quite a "sub" for substitue if you ask me >hahahahahahahaha< get it? (The class started groaning as they got out their pencils and paper, most of them did not miss Mr. Bolhofner because of how strict and messed up he is, but Chandler though, he wanted to pick on Lincoln some more, he then grabs a straw from his backpack, and starts chewing on a small piece of paper to make a spitball, he then tries to shoot Lincoln one, but right on time, Rob Paulsen swooped down and swiped the straw with his beak). (Ms. Merdich typed in the website were it will take them to a programming site, she has shown them the basic codes for making a game). Today's show was requested by NineLivesCaveCat, someone whom I've known for quite a while on this site. Lincoln: Because we thought you didn't know much about Godzilla! Ms. Merdich: G'day class, I'm your new substitute teacher, Ms. Merdich, and this is my fine feathered friend, Rob Paulsen, you know, after the cartoon voice actor. Principal Ramirez: >to Ms. Merdich< Ma'am, what's this about having the students making a videogame as a school project? Ms. Merdich: >annoyed, to Chandler< Chandler, How dare you, you can't seem to get out of the disipline now can you? Lori: Sounds like you had a dream huh buddy? (Lincoln gives Lori a list of the characters he's going to add to his game, then she looks at it). Lincoln: I did beat him a couple of times, but due to how the game expended their levels, it gets tougher every second. Chandler Ghidorah: >middle head< Oh yeah, >right head< now were are almost evenly matched >left head< bring it on ladies. Since I just did my 40th review on FC, it's time for the new ranking: "The Life and Times of Juniper Lee" - 8/10 "The Secret Saturdays" - 8/10 "Motorcity" - 8/10 "Fillmore!" I have enough of this. YOU'RE FIRED!!! [Outside, Lincoln and Clyde are walking home from school] LINCOLN: I can't wait for St. Patrick's Day! Mr. Grouse: >annoyed< I don't care, now get along home boys! Stella: You know what you need? Ms. Merdich: Good morning class, I've got some good news to tell everyone, Mr. Bolhofner will be coming back from his trip to Kenya early, so he will return to teaching by Friday. Lincoln: I don't understand why either, I didn't get to be with my friends in Mrs. Salters class, that wasn't really fair. Lori: That's okay buddy, I'll take you to the library tomorrow afternoon and we'll get them scanned, and afterwards, we will work on animating your character, we'll do one together, then you can do the rest all on your own, unless if you need Luna's help. Lincoln: Sister, I think you just read my mind. That caused Lincoln fell on ground. Lincoln: Her name is Ms. Merdich, she gave me an assignment on a new videogame idea that we had to make on a computer. or perhaps Musclefish, but I decided to work on a different game based upon my new interest, Kaiju, I give you the moment we have all been waiting for, "Godzilla: King of the Monsters". Lori: Ah that's good, I'll return this to Carol's since you've worked so hard on these, and while I'm there, I think I'll get us some lunch from Burpin' Burger. - Please, let me explain. You just went too far in self-defense. And for what? Mr. Bolhofner: I have to be intimidating for a reason, this is middle school and we expect students to be on thier best behavior, students do tend to make bad decisions, and you keep them out of line, you are seriously messed up, you know what? (Ms. Merdich gave Lincoln a hug and Lincoln hugs her back, they both release thier hug and Ms. Merdich gave their grades to to other students, it then cuts to Ms. Merdich and Rob Paulsen on Ms. Merdich's shoulder as she packs up her belongings). "Ghost Hunt" and "Another" were introduced to me by a friend of mine, and I really love both of them. Lynn Sr.: >to Mr. Grouse< Here you go Mr. Grouse, a tray of my famous "Lynn"-sagna"! Leni: >to Lincoln< Yeah, you are like totes popular with your game now. Maybe, you'll try to reason with him. I won't be like this to you again. - Lynn desperatelly begged crying -I've already got what I deserved! how much donated blood is wasted; managing diversity in the workplace ppt; metaphors in five feet apart; bethel high school graduation; morrisons salad bar bacon bits vegan He chooses to leave. (the robotic hand grabs Lincoln and throws him down, his other set of finger missiles aim for him as well). Ms. Merdich: Oh uh, none of them are playing games during class time sir, I was just showing them an idea of making a videogame, I could maybe give them a jumpstart in their future career one day. Rita: Wow, looks like your luck has turned around, sorry you have to be in a classroom with him. Rita: We've always planned to have a big family. Back in September, I made a journal asking people what "Loud House" fanfictions they would recommend I read, ones that are free of the infamous and annoying tropes that plague a lot of "Loud House" fanfictions. Ghosted was a good episode, but it involved all 3 of them. Fanfiction Warning: This story contains content not suitable for children. Lana didn't compare herself to any character of the anime but she felt pity for Zuko. (It then cuts to the classroom where Lincoln was asking a question about his project). That was horrible! What's her name? One day, Lincoln Loud was one day watching Arggh on television. >giggles<. Mr. Bolhofner: >angered, to Lincoln< YOU! Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< MCANN, We now witness the dreaded Brawl in the Family. Ms. Merdich: And that is how the ancient Egyptians make their pyramids, but the missing Sphinx nose still remains a mystery to this day, >closes history book< alright now class, now for today, I'm going to give you each a flash driver, now when you want to make a game, you need to come up with a good title, genre, story, gameplay, animation, music, background and character, making a videogame is not easy, and that's where I come in, now before you get started, does anybody have an idea on what game they should make? Lincoln Loud: Goodnight. Zach: But we don't know much about programming just yet. - Lincoln said - Luna, please rub us with this. Lori: The big five consists of Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah and MechaGodzilla as they all appeared in the Japanese Godzilla movies from the Showa, Heisei and Millenium films, though not all of them are connected in the same continuities. He set it quickly when she didn't see anything because of the smokescreen. Lucy: >to Luan< Luan, that joke doesn't even make any sense at all! Lincoln: I just finished up the animations for most of my characters on my game, I'm currently working on Rodan's animations. - If I did, you wouldn't have learned anything by yourselves. - Lincoln corrected Lana - He reminds me of myself. (Lori then left the house and got in the car, she revved up the engine and waved goodbye to her family, the family went back in as they started doing their usual activities at home, Lincoln was still working on his project, he started doing the animations for Anguirus, he was a bit challenged at doing Anguirus, as he wanted to do Anguirus standing on his two legs and switching them back to all fours, but eventually, he them fixed a few errors and was proud to do it, he started to work on Hedorah, it was a little too difficult, but he then got the hang of it, he did remember to add the flying animation for Hedorah as he did that design while working on breath effects for some of the Kaiju, in his room, Lincoln was doing animations for King Ghidorah, Mothra and Rodan, someone knocks on his door), (Lincoln opens the door for Luna, she wanted to check on his progress, she was impressed and checked out the animations for the characters he's done). Lynn commented "So weak and easy to beat. Lincoln: You are not going to believe it, but I think I have an awesome substitute teacher! Lincoln: Yeah, I wish she was promoted to a middle school teacher, so I can have her again. Lincoln: Oh, that's right, now my homework assignment is that I need to do some animations for my characters. - Luna appeared, - Luna? Lincoln: Not really, he's suspended from the remainder of the semester, so we might get a new substitute by Monday! My brother needs to work on his game as he wants to add something to the game. Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< Lynn Jr. that is enough teasing and name calling, you have one brother who looks up to you, be nice.
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