Dec 9, 2013 - Explore rokstarr68's board "Scott Jurek", followed by 189 people on Pinterest. Cette nouvelle version est remodelée en profondeur. See more ideas about Scott jurek, Eat and run, Scott. Education. Focus on quantity of calories no matter what type of diet, and then work on improving the quality of the calories. In a sport that already dances on the fringe of society, ultrarunner Scott Jurek is a true rarity.
Then again, Scott Jurek isn’t your typical runner.

Seven-time Western States 100 winner Scott Jurek offers some key long-distance racing tips.
Cela place la Cascadia 14 dans la moyenne, alors qu'auparavant elle flirtait clairement avec l'embonpoint. As he took a short pit-stop from his round-Hokkaido family cycling trip , we caught up with ultra-marathon legend Scott Jurek to talk about running, inspiration and Niseko as … Here's a look back at the weekend spent running, learning, and having an … See more ideas about Scott jurek, Eat and run, Ultra running. Scott Jurek knows a thing or two about running and winning at long distances. Scott has led the sport with some amazing performances including multiple wins and course records. (Scott Jurek, ironically featured here at Outside Magazine's "Rising Star" in … Sep 4, 2017 - Explore brodeheffer's board "Scott Jurek", followed by 109 people on Pinterest. What’s great is that this time it’s happening naturally – no pressure from doing a 30-day, veg-only challenge. And Scott Jurek was impressed by the beauty of Niseko and the passion of its local trail-running community. Scott Gordon Jurek (born October 26, 1973) is an American ultramarathoner, ... On a challenge from training partner Dusty Olson, Jurek ran the Minnesota Voyageur 50 Mile in 1994, placing second in his first attempt at an ultramarathon, without even having run a marathon in training. By Scott Jurek and steve friedman Eat Vegan & Run How a whole-foods, plant-based diet—free of all meat and animal products—has propelled one runner to ultramarathon greatness. He’s also won the Hardrock 100, the Badwater 135 and the 153 mile Spartathalon. The ultrarunning author, speaker and consultant ran his first ultra, a 50-miler, in 1994. Tout d'abord, on salue le poids de la chaussure qui s'est amincie de 30 grammes. This past week or two, my meals have become more and more plant-based. C'est la chaussure fétiche du célèbre coureur d'ultra-trail américain Scott Jurek. Scott Jurek won the prestigious Western States 100 Miler 7 times in a row. Great interview, Matt. Just as most non-active people believe runners to be eccentric, the average runner sees the ultrarunner as even more so. The one and only Scott Jurek! He’s the best selling author of the book Eat and Run. What Scott Jurek REALLY thinks about Dean Karnazes I caught a recent podcast on where Scott Jurek was interviewed about his recent course record at Hardrock 100. Few athletes have made an impression on their sport like Colorado-based Scott Jurek has made on the demanding sport of ultra marathon running. What really surprised me was his commentary about Dean Karnazes. Not only did he like it, he was good at it, finishing in second place. Interview with Scott Jurek. I think Scott’s advice to transition slowly is dead-on. Apparently, he's had enough of the Dean Machine.