Elderly members would be discouraged from attending. Steve Templeton - KMOV View the profiles of professionals named "Steve Templeton" on LinkedIn. When we moved to Indiana, we joined a church near the university, and were happy there. If you could do that very easily, there are supportable air cleaners and things like that, and I think those are useful in places like assisted living facilities and other places where you have a lot of vulnerable people. Well, the original 1918 strain is still circulating. You have a local response in the lungs, and there are tissue specific immune responses that you dont necessarily get when you inject a vaccine into somebodys arm. So I got involved in the type of messaging to which I felt was directed at trying to relieve fears of local people and officials, and trying to take the pressure off of them. This typifies Scientism, which is a religion in its own right. Family Affair is a photograph by Steve Templeton which was uploaded on June 17th, 2022. By then, our family had begun to attend other churches. So I think its a combination of human nature plus I think where were at right now in society, I guess. What was the reaction of your community, and then also of your peers to doing this? I sent my 5-year old daughter to childrens church, and she was sent back, because she wasnt wearing a mask. You want to have a balance of a response to an infectious disease. There would be no fellowship allowed after the service. In our discussion, it was also obvious that most wanted to have as much control over the situation as they could have, because they felt responsible for every member. My wife, who was studying public health, pointed out that children brought up with religion in their lives are less likely to get involved with drugs or engage in promiscuous sex or criminal activity. At the time they werent very controversial. I asked them to consider what that meant, and how they would really know when things got better. I think thats a very difficult question for me to answer. Dr. Templeton: Well, I was trained at the University of Iowa doing some viral immunology, actually with a model coronavirus back when no one cared about those things. Although we had realized months before, to our sadness, that prominent members in our community really didnt share our core values, we made one last effort to make them prove it. I asked the question, Is there ever a case where we would find something more important than our own physical safety?. And Ive been thinking about this a lot, is that theres a disproportionate cost to certain groups of people in society and a much lesser cost, even though to your kids, like you said, theres probably a cost, distance that remote learning isnt the same as in-person learning, but it was not new nearly at the same scale. I keep thinking, when I look out at how we seem to be approaching the pandemic as a society, especially with the lockdowns question, for example, like theres this inordinate focus on the potential harms of the virus even arguably highly exaggerated, especially in certain populations, and then not a ton of thought to the arguably massive collateral damage, I think, which were already being able to see demonstrated. We are focused on credibility, reliability and responsiveness in our relationships. Your position is basically, there isnt much we can do to stop the spread of the virus, nor do we necessarily even want to do that across all of society. Steve Templeton We found 84 records for Steve Templeton in CA, IA and 28 other states. Having spent most of the day at Mont-Saint-Michel, my wife and her sister decided to do a little shopping in the cute little shops in the church. Even without the panic-promoting sensationalism of the mass media, this was obviously a natural disaster that was going to spread around the world. Any direction I turned, there was something photo worthy. So the types of pressure that people are feeling, which you mentioned earlier are self-inflicted. So they decided to go completely to virtual activities. A Fantasy of Virus-Free Air Brownstone Institute - The Epoch Times Top 300 Accounting Firm by Inside Public Accounting Magazine and a Top 25 Accounting Firm in South Florida by The South Florida Business Journal. Mr. Jekielek: So the virus will be with us. Mr. Jekielek: Well, it just occurred to me that something that I watched appear on the scene and become very prevalent is these antibacterial wipes and everything antibacterial. Steve Templeton - Facts, Bio, Favorites, Info, Family 2021 - Sticky Facts By the Spring of 2021, every adult had a chance to be vaccinated. Mr. Jekielek: And of course, as all of us were, you basically watched coronavirus and the response to coronavirus unfold in America and around the world. Find your friends on Facebook. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022. There were some cases in Washington. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Templeton ancestors lived in harsh conditions. In 1840 there were 40 Templeton families living in Pennsylvania. And if you have weather questions, qualms, queries. Based on my understanding of her comments, the regional leadership was even more panicked, and was discouraging congregations from consideration of returning, even to restricted services. But scientists are human too, so we get involved in politics. The working class, when they could keep their jobs, went on as before. Confusing risks with hazards, with a risk, theres a possibility for reward, but we dont use the term risk like that anymore. Steve Templeton in IA - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages I mean, roughly thats my recollection. His research focuses on the immune response to the human opportunistic pathogens. So how do we right the ship here? No Sunday school or childrens church. 0 Reviews. The extraordinary turmoil of the last three years, on the surface, is ebbing away. I believe its necessary, but theres some people who dont believe that. Box 7009, Reading, PA 19610 | 610-396-6000, African Americans of Western Berks County. People will continue to seek human connection and communities that share their values and offer physical and spiritual support, because that is a human need that cannot be suppressed without severe consequences. Well, shopping isn't my thing, so I wandered around looking for interesting things to photograph. But the idea that these are completely sterilizing immunity is not something that is long-term, particularly in individuals who have these comorbidities, they tend to have less durable responses. I obtained a YouTube video of an interview between her and another regional representative, and was shocked at the sensationalized speculation and outright falsehoods this woman was saying with great authority and a with a complete lack of nuance. Now, I mean, absolutely. And I tried to bring that to the attention of the local folks, and if any, mixed results. And SARS-CoV-2 will continue to do what it does, spreading and mutating and infecting people, as many other respiratory viruses have always done. Mr. Jekielek: You had mentioned that you feel children are not nearly as vulnerable as other groups. That was in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Its just obviously a longer process than many people envisioned or would like to admit whats going to happen. They use this war analogy. The problem is its not sustainable. It was clear the elders, a group I was no longer a part of, had been discussing our intransigence. By John Chenoweth, CPA What is an IRC Section 1031 Exchange? Trying to get communities to help one another, churches, things like that. After more than a year of the pandemic, this is how people had been conditioned to treat one another, even in their community. One of them is that people who have had SARS-1, theres some cross immunity to SARS-2. You know what, I kept thinking with my background in biology, arent we driving the resistance strains of things here faster than what happened normally? Steve Templeton, Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute, is an Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Indiana University School of Medicine - Terre Haute. One member of the committee mentioned how important it was to evaluate the data about mitigation strategies. Well, a lot of my fellow scientists dont they dont know Im involved in this. Steve Templeton biography, ethnicity, religion, interesting facts, favorites, family, updates, childhood facts, information and more: What is Steve Templeton's full name? I keep seeing that popping up. The situation is definitely improving in my area. And that was highly publicized. And thats interesting because I think that signifies that there is some activity that may be stimulating the immune response to develop a strong memory. I teach my photography students, that if they wish to take more interesting photos, they need to travel to somewhere more interesting than their usual or current haunts. Yet being an outsider isnt exactly a new experience. There are very limited things we can do and we have to accept that we cant suspend human activities. I could see the publics mood was approaching panic levels quickly, and I felt the potential damage that mass panic could do was even worse than the damage from SARS-CoV-2. Most of the elders disagreed. Seeing a chance to be close to family while continuing to forecast wild weather, Steve moved to St. Louis and joined KMOV. So were the same way. I have met many others (ironically online) who became outcasts in their own community because they tried to stop panic and overreaction to the pandemic that would ultimately hurt everyone. After going through college, working as a technician at a large medical school, graduate school, and a post-doc, I could start to see the cracks in the view that the scientific community was all I needed to live a satisfying life. His son, Arthur Reeves Templeton, Sr., who owned and operated Berks Auto Ignition, is also a past president of the Reading NAACP. I dont want to single out one or two people who are in charge of how this response was handled. And this is already, youre getting more information, theres more, theres now data that has been gathered on how this virus functions and is popular in different places and among different groups of people. Remote learning in that population doesnt work as well as it does with children of means. Most people were very nice to us, and I got the sense that some went out of their way to be nice, quietly supporting what we were trying to do. You will work remotely. I could never go back, and that was fine with me. Dr. Templeton: Right. Of course the vaccines come on the scene at some point. I had a sister there in Seattle that was telling me all about how that situation was developing. So I did a lot of research for those presentations and I decided this is actually pretty interesting stuff, and I felt other people would find that interesting. Steve Templeton in SC - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages I then promised that I would fight anything that prevented us from acting as a real community. In 1840 there were 40 Templeton families living in Pennsylvania. I mean, am I reading that correctly? His daughter, Mildred Templeton, played organ for the church for 57 years (Goda 2004-05, 16). I said that although more people may be spreading the virus, infections were likely to be more common and less lethal than reported. The elders met online to discuss the future of in-person services. Theres a transient spike in the expression of the spike protein in the muscle cells. But the whole efficacy of the vaccine for transmission and preventing mild infections, it doesnt have this sterilizing effect that people expected. We want to be welcoming. So in that case, there was definitely an ideal more important than physical safety. But they were willing to sell an illusion that people wanted, because that was the way to placate them reallythe public. And two, I think I just heard about this last night that there are a few people left who are around during the first, the Spanish flu pandemic, who have, and I think they somehow tested and they found that they actually have immunity, some cross immunity to the flu as we speak. The virus was going to spread no matter what we did. That changed in 2003 when SARS-1 came out, and theres a lot more interest obviously, and a lot more interest now obviously. The ones on Twitter do and Ive been unfollowed by some of them. They think its more important to have as many people vaccinated as possible than to even think about individuals claiming or testing them to see if they have protective immunity from a natural infection. I think I was very successful with that. And I feel like as far as kids go, we failed. Steve Templeton Family Steve was born and brought up under the loving care and support of his protective and hardworking parents in Nashville, Illinois, in the United States of America. I mean, their dad is a scientist, right? sensiblemed.substack.com. But I dont blame any individuals. I remember reading about that. USD ($). We cant keep children away from each other or elderly people, an older woman said. Dr. Templeton: Yes. A couple of weeks later, everything had shut down, including church services. A relevant discussion had come up a year before, when there was an active shooter in a church in Texas that had been shot by an armed church member. On March 11, 2020, a local TV reporter called the campus office and asked if anyone was available to comment on the newly recommended practice of social distancing to prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2. For youth, to help One told me that she had to spend a lot of time going and specifically trying to set up the WiFi and making sure that they I mean, they ended up policing that and trying to make sure children had connections, and it was with mixed results with so many kids that were not able to engage in remote learning in the way that it was designed. And now Ive been told by people who are running camps and other teachers that children are way behind, and studies have shown, in some places four or five, six months behind in their education. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Templeton surname lived. Schools had been closed. Chief Meteorologist Steve Templeton forecasts the weather for News 4 every weekday evening from 4 to 10. Obviously food and agriculture, animal growth is enhanced by antibioticswe all know this. An IRC Sec. or. Our document was ignored. The photograph may be purchased as wall art, home decor, apparel, phone cases, greeting cards, and more. Join Facebook to connect with Steve Dumpleton and others you may know. . It was seven pages long. Mr. Jekielek: Steve, youve been an immunologist for a number of years, and youve been watching some very interesting changes in society over the last few years and have been documenting them. Yet, as far as I know, no one else questioned her accuracy or authority. They looked at it more of a war type footing and thats what they wanted it to be. And that one didnt necessarily go very well, because I did mention that there were things that people thought would have a serious positive effect in containing the pandemic like universal masking. People on different sides trying to say, this means they work and we still have to force individuals to have vaccinations. Steve Templeton Profiles | Facebook But there was a strain that circulated earlier, a flu also before the major waves of that pandemic that gave some people immunity as well. Jan 6, 2010. And so I prepared a presentation about universal masking. And people who opposed say, he promised it was going to be 95 percent effective, what did that mean, as clearly as some question of whether the initial press releases were accurate. And so Im all for targeted interventions. Government and academic institutions often veered very far from their stated missions due to the very human pursuits of security, power, and influence. This expectation that they had this control over what was going to happen. Dr. Templeton: Well, I was trained at the University of Iowa doing some viral immunology, actually with a model coronavirus back when no one cared about those things. But the undercurrents are as strong, These proposed instruments, as currently drafted, would fundamentally change the relationship between the WHO, its Member States and naturally their, Like the ticky-tacky crosswalk cop, people should have tuned out the Covid experts and politicians from the beginning and instead, One might suppose it would be top headlines that the man who crafted the Covid response for the world was, Brownstone Institute is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofitregistered in the US under EIN: 87-1368060, BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE2028 E BEN WHITE BLVD,#240-3088AUSTIN, TX 78741+1-469-842-8976WEST HARTFORD, CT, Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseFor reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original Brownstone article, Design, Development, and Hosting by Shyfrog Media, How Covid Panic Destroyed Communities: Our Church and My Story, Fauci Wanted Universal Human Separation Forever, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.