Essay Writing Help Online Besides being an online tutor, Ralph is an author and expert digital marketer with proven skills in SEO content writing. More answers below Alek Mitev 2 y In general 5 benefits of colonialism are; Introduction of the modern justice system in regions where previously it was might makes right. The colonizers, however, created political borders that served their own needs rather than reflecting the historical territorial divisions of the people who lived there. The new wealth, tools and arms, and techniques and ideas introduced through close contact with Europeans initiated political and social as well as economic changes. The concept of a written constitution therefore helps to reduce the work of the judicial arm of government in the interpretation of the law. The psychological impacts of colonialism on colonized populations might include emotions of helplessness and anger. A man identified as Oumar, who was at risk of statelessness, holds his father's identity card from French colonial times. The colonial masters literally controlled the leaders through threat and humiliation. At the end of the 17th century, the Akan state of Akwamu created an empire that, stretching from the central Gold Coast eastward to Dahomey, sought to control the trade roads to the coast of the whole eastern Gold Coast. Economic advantages for conquering countries Colonialism often spread Western culture, including language, religion, and notions about government and democracy Increased political stability Cons of Colonialism Economic stagnation Brain drain Psychological trauma Political instability Lingering effects of colonialism Legacy of colonialism Colonial Oppression As was pointed out in the last chapter, colonization was mostly a negative, exploitative, and oppressive experience. Take for instance, the idea of separation of powers, which helps to avoid conflict between the arms of the government was learned from the colonial masters. (with Examples), Top 20 Topics in English for Academic Purposes, 7 Rules of Referencing and Citation in Academic Writing, 10 Importance of Referencing and Citation in Academic Writing, How to Get a Degree Without Going to High School. Literacy through Education. How Africa's colonial history affects its development The chiefs were used to do all the spade work on the ground for the colonial powers. Take for instance, Oba Overamwen was deported in 1896 after the Berlin Massacre and he later died in exile. Food Security. Elmina once befriended the Dutch while Cape Coast was loyal to their rivals, the English. Common central bank: Colonialism in Africa also introduced a common central bank in the French colony. The colonial masters literally controlled the leaders through threat and humiliation. However, it is crucial to note that this integration often occurred at the price of indigenous peoples, who were exploited for their resources and labor. Suppression of indigenous traditions may result in a loss of cultural identity for colonial people and detrimental psychological consequences. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Before we write indecently or read about how the colonization begins, it is, of course, important to know the effects on the structure of Africa, what it meant Africa doing, what it took from Africa, and what it added to Africa as a continent, all of these will be looking into under a refined section. French and German activity in adjacent territories and the demand for better protection of British mining and commercial interests led to a further active period of British policy from 18961901, during which Asante was conquered and its northern hinterland formed into a British protectorate. categories which are positive or negative effects. Your email address will not be published. Our products include academic papers of varying complexity and other personalized services, along with research materials for assistance purposes only. Many of these nations were suffered even for what they can afford. We'll send you the first draft for approval by. It was basically to enable African learn how to Read and write the language of the colonial masters. : i. Johannes Zimmerman Ga, ii. By the 1920s the Gold Coast, while continuing to export some gold, was producing more than half of the worlds supply of cocoa; timber and manganese later became additional exports of note. English for life Essay Writing Services UK. As a result, colonialism created large, ethnically fragmented countries prone to civil wars both during and after the colonial era. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Take for instance, the common legal system in Africa allows for easy and safer international transactions. This is a healthy development since it raised the living standards of many people in colonized nations and allowed the movement of products and people. Ghana - Independence | Britannica At the same time, some groups found their traditional territory divided by a political border between two colonial countries, fracturing ties between extended family and kinsmen. In what ways are the effects of colonization on Ghana impact Alienation of people from the government: Before the inception of colonialism, Africans had a type of political system were everybody took part in the political decision making of their state. History Essay Writing Services human resources, the interference in local politics, the increasing The legacy of colonialism may have long-term consequences for colonized nations, such as economic inequality and continuing political and social challenges. More importantly, it helped them to have a better understanding of how they can use the acquired education in solving their problems. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Since the birth of the United Nations, more than 80 former colonies comprising some 750 million people, have gained independence. The bad side that Colonialism added to Africa will be considered in this section. The total sovereignty a nation should enjoy was no longer there. In Nigeria for instance, political parties like NCNC, UPC, NNDP, AG etc, were established to stand against colonialism in the country. As 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGTs) remain or nearly two million people the process of decolonization continues. It let Ghana gain interest in foreign goods more than made in At the end of the day, its the students responsibility to do their own research and work. Colonialism has a long history, with the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Persians all establishing colonies across their empires. History Research Paper Writing Services, Essay servicesoffered What are the positive effects of colonization? Colonial control facilitated the construction of railways, induced large inflows of European investment, and forced profound changes in the operation of labour and land markets (Frankema and van Waijenburg 2012). So far so good, we have given you all you need to know about the impact of colonization in Africa both bad and good so let us hear from you. The Gold stands for the mineral rich nature of Ghana, the Red is for the blood spilt in fighting for their independence, the Green is for the rich vegetation, and the Black star is for the emancipation and unity in the struggle against colonialism. As mentioned in the introduction, colonization in Africa played a significant role in its development. Negative effects of colonialism. In fact, it was actually practiced by the colonial Masters because they were the ones in need of slaves then. You will first see the social impact of European contact with Ghana and Africa. very numerous.There were positive effects like the introduction of We can now communicate with people from other continents, join international organizations and even enter into contract with countries in other continent just because of western education. Decolonization, Development, and Nation Building in Ghana-Asia 5. Also, through the learning of the foreign languages, African nations were able to participate and benefit from the international trade. Though this is with the exception of Guinea. In 1482, the Portuguese built a fort called Fort St George at Elmina. People in colonial nations had greater access to healthcare and education, which improved public health and literacy rates. For instance, Nigeria is a country that has over five hundred different languages, and each tribe considered its language superior to other tribes, thereby leading to disunity. What are some of the effects of colonization in Ghana? - Quora Here are a few instances. Some claim that colonialism fostered dependency on the colonizing power, resulting in a lack of economic and political self-sufficiency in colonized nations. 8. Often times, people criticize colonialism, highlighting only the negative effects it had on Africa. The sustained wars waged against states like Asante to rule them and the deportation of chiefs (e.g. the effects of British Colonialism on Ghana was and still is very numerous.There were positive effects like the introduction of the formal system of education which saw many shs being set. Economic dependence and resource exploitation While colonialism brought infrastructural and technological development to Nigeria, it was also a form of extreme exploitation. It divided Africa into French speaking countries and English speaking countries and that is one of the major problems of the Economic Commission of West Africa States (ECOWAS). Artifacts stolen and taken to the Louvre and other European museums. If you have any contributions on the positive and negative effects of colonialism in Africa, kindly drop it below! Kindly watch the video below for more on the positive and negative effects of Colonialism in Africa: In conclusion, i must say that the era of colonialism in West Africa wasnt really a period of unmitigated disaster. One of the major negative impacts of Colonialism was slavery. Today we see many Africa countries that cannot exist without the British Government. Also, the spread of religion helped in empowering the girl-child and eliminating the discrimination in the treatment of different genders. As colonized nations struggle to transition to self-government, the end of colonialism may occasionally result in political instability. Forts and Castles: These were built as warehouses and for security. Disunity among Ghanaians as they became pawns to different European powers e.g. senior high school crs Slavery coupled with the colonial experience had a profound effect on Africa and still cause strife. For example, after Kwame Nkrumah attained his higher education at the University of Pennsylvania, he returned to Ghana and embarked on the mission of liberating his nation from the British Colonization. He drew attention to new working methods, that allow the Committee to hear first from the territories before considering related resolutions. Some of the negative impacts that are associated with colonization include; degradation of natural resources, capitalist, urbanization, introduction of foreign diseases to livestock and humans. besides the oppressive colonial experience itself: missionary churches, World Wars I and II, the ideology of Pan-Africanism, and the League of Nations/United Nations. libation, traditional dance forms, African names, clothing, etc. further studies They took all the wealth and resources of Africa to their own country. Also, the idea of a written constitution was brought as a result of colonialism. I recommend that you read this work carefully because alot will be said about colonial rule in general. It was the wars fought during 1873-1874 that actually led to the firm entrenchment of British interests within the area. After independence, they have served as the seat of government (Christiansburg Castle at Osu until recently), Prisons (Ussher fort) and Museum (Elmina Castle) 2. This rush to conquer and dominate land and resources uprooted and disrupted the lives of people throughout the world. English comprehension No plagiarism, guaranteed! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Therefore, all our works will be submitted with a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report. Table of ContentsPros of ColonialismEconomic advantages for conquering countriesColonialism often spread Western culture, including language, religion, and notions about government and democracyInfrastructure development in colonized countriesColonialism also introduced modern medicine and education to many regions of the globeIntegration into the global economyEconomic growthImprovement of living standardsIncreased political stabilityDemocratic ideas and practices were fostered in several conquered nations due to colonialismSome claim that colonialism protected them from external dangers since the colonizing power often served as a military defender for the colonized regionFacilitation of cultural exchangeIntroduction of new technologiesLegal and judicial systemsAgricultural developmentIndustrializationCons of ColonialismThe exploitation of natural resources and laborSuppression of indigenous cultures and traditionsNative population displacementEnvironmental damageHuman rights violationsLoss of sovereigntyRelianceInequalityResistance and conflictLoss of cultural identityEconomic stagnationBrain drainPsychological traumaPolitical instabilityLingering effects of colonialismLegacy of colonialismFinal Thoughts. After that, you can also see the negative consequences of the advent of the Europeans to West Africa and Africa as a whole. PDF Colonialism and Development in Africa - The Effects of Colonialism in Africa Cause and Effect Essay - Free Essays All work is written to order. benefits of colonialism. The new centres of trade thus established were much more accessible than were the Sudanese emporia, and this, coupled with the greater capacity and efficiency of the sea-borne trade compared with the ancient overland routes, gradually brought about the reversal of the direction of the trade flow. Some argue that colonizing powers should compensate colonized nations and populations. Colonialism in Nigeria: positive and negative impacts of Nigerian Apartheid. coconut, onion, garden eggs, okro, rice, cocoyam, (from Asia); cassava, sweet potatoes, maize peanuts or groundnuts, pawpaw, pineapple, guava, oranges, melons (from Europe), 6. What Were the Effects of the British Taking Over Africa? Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. It also resulted in the exploitation of indigenous peoples, who were often compelled to labor in harsh and unequal circumstances. Since the traditional rulers were made subordinate to foreign officials, the alienation from government wasnt really a problem to the people. What are the Effects of colonialism on Ghana? - Answers This was the case in Africa until some educated Nigerian nationalists started to enlighten the people and oppose the government. For example, the older railroads in Uganda were constructed by the British colonizers. Africans were subjected to an atmosphere that makes them more cruel and wicked, have more greed and self-centered which was not earlier in place. WAEC Ghana goods, the effects of British Colonialism on Ghana was and still is The Impact of Colonization | US History I (OS Collection) - Lumen Learning There was intellectual robbery; material stealing and generational emolument were deprived. Was this information useful? Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001) find that dummy variables for colonial origin have a jointly insignificant effect on per capita income, while Acemoglu, Johnson, Robinson and Yared (2007) Development of political parties: Before the coming of colonialism the concept of political parties and election was abstract in Africa. Just send us an email, give us a phone call or you can visit our professional and friendly UK team for an excellent level of service delivery. They exploited African by introducing international trader of which thier interest was to took raw materials in Africa to there country,,,all waterpathy they own it they could controlled it, still perpetuating same manner in terms of brain drain of which we are equally beings . One can not only write on the negative Impacts Of Colonialism In Africa without looking at eh beneficial aspect of this act. This might benefit people who feel Western culture and values are better since they enable these ideals to spread to other regions. Emergency and search-and-rescue teams have deployed to assess and prioritize urgent needs and to provide life-saving assistance following the devastating earthquake near the Trkiye-Syria border. A partnership developed between the two, so power was rapidly transferred to an all-African cabinet responsible to a popularly elected national assembly. In colonial nations, the quest for economic gain sometimes resulted in environmental destruction, as natural resources were plundered without concern for the long-term environmental effects. Economic gain was one of the primary incentives for colonialism. The basic idea behind colonization had aspects of economic dependency baked right into it. Cultural imperialism: Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart has already said much on this. It is true that hundreds of thousands of people were kidnapped and sold as slaves in the new colonies of the world due to colonization; it was a painful experience for so many Nigerian families. The Journal of Negro Education, 8 8 The Effect of Western Formal Poverty in South Africa; African residents unable to own land but whites can, go figure. totally abandoned.Negative effects such as the over exploitation of A foreign power dominates a nation or area to take resources and income. British troops attacked the capital of the Ashanti nation, Kumasi, in 1874, and burned the city, including the palace of the Asantehene. The 56 years of British rule that followed did not immediately weld into one state the three elements of the territorythe colonies of the Gold Coast and Asante and the protectorate of the Northern Territoriesto which after World War I was added a fourth, under mandate from the League of Nations, the western part of former German Togoland (see Togoland). 18 February 2022 Human Rights. Coupled with that, the colonial masters made sure that they were in charge of all the metropolitan industries, thus making Africans economically dependent on the colonizers. cultural imperialism is a term used to describe the imposition of western culture of the culture of african people.they should take back what they have illegay exploited, Your email address will not be published. Ghana - Contact with Europe and its effects | Britannica Definition of colonization. and a negative effect because the African Traditional Religion was The leader believed that Africa had matured and could solve its problem without the assistance from colonizers. Railways, seaports, airports, road routes, hospitals, and many other things were raised for the use of white when but the end-user was to the benefit of Africans. This trend continues even after independence because some Africa leaders have been introduced into the business. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. During the time of colonialism, people were highly taxed by the colonial Masters so as to generate funds to make their plans of colonization successful. Guided by the UN Charter and relevant resolutions, the Secretariat will continue to support the Special Committee in its work to promote decolonization, concluded the Chef de Cabinet. Global cooperation is central to addressing its impacts, he underscored, urging the Committee, also known as C-24, to commit to making 2022 a year of recovery for everyone. Pros of Colonialism Colonialism Improved Health and Care System. Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. university courses Fortunately, the colonization initiated equality in the treatment of all genders making African women such as Wangari Mathaai from Kenya to win the Noble Peace Prize of 2004 in her contribution in the sustainable development, democracy, and peace. faceless characters Others, on the other hand, highlight the negative repercussions and injustices done to indigenous peoples and civilizations. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. What are the positive and negative effects of colonialism in Africa? The argument for reparations and restitution for colonial misdeeds is also an essential and continuing subject. On arrival, the colonial master merged all the political systems to enable faster development in the regions and to make governance easy for themselves. better grades Conclusion. The illegitimate destoolment and enstoolment of chiefs negatively affected the chieftaincy institution. The Watson Commission of Inquiry reported that the Burns constitution of 1946, which had granted Africans a majority in the legislative council, was outmoded at birth. An all-African committee under Justice (later Sir James Henley) Coussey was appointed to work out a new constitution in which some executive power would be transferred to African ministers responsible to an African assembly. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 5 Major Effects Of Colonialism In Africa Positives & Negatives, EFFECTS OF IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA POSITIVES & NEGATIVES. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers. 2. Although the colonial era largely ended with national liberation movements in the 1960s, nearly four centuries of foreign control left their mark on many developing countries. Political advancement tended to lag behind economic and social development, especially in the south (for the role of the Northern Territories was principally the supply of cheap labour for the Gold Coast and Asante). Take a quick look at the major positive effects of the coming of the Europeans to Ghana and the rest of Africa. self help Colonization happened and will happen wherever it can. his attitude towards it because on the one hand he saw the negative Frank Ogodo Ogbeche It is a well-known fact that most African countries are colonized by the British government. 1. The colonization of African nations played a significant role in bringing the modernization to areas that were initially underdeveloped. For example, most of the African nations had despised the female gender making them face sexual violence and denial of their human rights (Takcs 2015). The positive effect of British colonial influence has not gone uncontested. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This was as a result of the merging of all the regions in 1912 by lord Lugard. European goods, ideas, and diseases shaped the changing continent. How did colonialism affect the economic development in Ghana? 5. However, the modern period of colonialism started with the Age of Exploration in the 15th century, when European nations began creating colonies in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. This attitude destroyed traditional beliefs and social values, however, and had a negative effect on colonized populations. The new wealth, tools and arms, and techniques and ideas introduced through close contact with Europeans initiated political and social as well as economic changes. Finally, the benefits and drawbacks of colonialism are complicated and nuanced subjects with arguments on both sides. Nkrumahs administration, the 1966 coup, and the return to civilian rule, Match the Country with Its Hemisphere Quiz, Which Country Is Larger By Population? The introduction of a central bank which supplied all the French colonies the same currency helped to promote inter-state trade among the colonies. Thank you! High level of slave trade, deportation and humiliation of Africans: With the introduction of colonialism, the idea of slave trade was introduced in Africa. Many Africans still self-identify as Christians today, including an estimated 82.5 percent of the Kenyan population, 71.2 percent of Ghanaians and 71.6 percent of people in Botswana. British missionaries were largely responsible for converting sections of the African population to Christianity. So in our write-up today, we will be writing on the political Impacts Of Colonialism In Africa. Where you can buy, negotiate or trade for land. And therefore, submit their own work. Best Essay Writing Services History Dissertation Help It will happen where it is or was allowed. Two thousand years later, Christian presence has left indelible marks on the continentsome positive, some less so. Positive and negative effects of colonialism - Essay and speech Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. 9. Intentionally, the colonial masters neglected things like: technical, vocational and scientific studies so as to restrict the knowledge of Africans and to make themselves superior to Africans. Many of Africas astute readers and professors happened to study in the nation of the colonial masters and were sponsored free of charge during that time. The introduction of the slave trade led to many inter-ethnic conflicts, The instability did not help social and economic development, The cream of Ghanaian population and labour force was deported to the new world. Poor education system: Apparently, the system of government introduced by colonial masters to Africa wasnt as good as foreign education system. What are the positive effects of colonization? - Sage-Advices It is a well-known fact that most African countries are colonized by the British government. The only positive effect of plundering Africa is America and other countries technology industry among other things. As Europeans moved beyond exploration and into colonization of the Americas, they brought changes to virtually every aspect of the land and its people, from trade and hunting to warfare and personal property.