This haunting slow-burner features Till Lindemann's vocals accompanied by an acoustic guitar. The thing that makes this song so cool is the effects added by Rammstein keyboard player Flake; Siffeler from Perth, Australia when i found the meaning of this song i was really shocked it dosnt song like a song about an old guy that cant get a root ne more becuase hes 2 old and his old girlfreinds are dying Translation of 'Hallomann' by Rammstein from German to English. The literal translation of "ram stein" is a battering ram made of stone. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts The line "Hölle auf dem Ring" is incorrect. Rammstein "HALLOMANN": Hallo kleines Mädchen, wie geht es dir? Comment and share your favourite lyrics. Watch official video, print or download text in PDF. “Puppe” was released on 17 May 2019 with the rest of Rammstein’s self-titled seventh album. Les paroles de Rammstein appartiennent à Rammstein et à Universal Music Group.
Press J to jump to the feed. Therefore all six members of the band receive writing credits. Original lyrics of HALLOMANN song by Rammstein. Rammstein’s self-titled album, their first in a decade, is a reminder of the meat-and-steel-pounded power of industrial music. They took their name (adding an "m") from the location of a German tragedy where 80 people were hurt and killed as the result of a crash during an American Air Force flight show. The “Hallomann” is his penis, there’s no two ways about it.
Elles sont présentées ici dans un but informatif uniquement. Here you can find all the Rammstein songs translated in English! This song was written by the members of Rammstein. The track was also produced by the band … HALLOMANN Lyrics: Hallo kleines Mädchen, wie geht es dir? / Mir geht es gut, sprich nicht zu mir / Steig einfach ein, ich nehm' dich mit / Und kaufe dir Muscheln mit Pommes Frites / …
Explain your version of song meaning, find more of Rammstein lyrics. Rammstein was formed in 1993 by an assembly of factory-weary proletarians raised in East Germany. Don't spam and write clearly off-topic meanings Don't write abusive, vulgar, offensive, racist, threatening or harassing meanings Do not post anything that you do not have the right to post Please note: We moderate every meaning; Follow these rules and your meaning will be published. I don’t think there can be any doubt that the antagonist of this song rapes, and possibly murders, a young girl. It should be "Perle auf dem Ring," which means Pearl on the ring Rammstein - HALLOMANN (English Translation) Lyrics: Hello little girl, how are you? But unlike Weit Weg, this song’s imagery comes less from the allegory of the lyrics and more from the structure of the song itself. Album Rammstein (sans titre) Paroles et traductions du septième album de Rammstein. Rammstein Lyrics (In English) Random. The lead hook is Lindemann whistling and some fans are predicting this might become the best known German whistling song since The Scorpions' "Wind of Change." Rammstein's new, untitled album — the German juggernaut's first LP in 10 years — is finally here, and it's a stunning affair, baroque, sophomoric, undeniably cheesy at times, heavy and gnarly at others, and fun as hell.It's lyrics range all over the place, touching on everything from the dark side of German history ("Deutschland," "Radio") to sex ("Sex") to tattoos ("Tattoo"). r/Rammstein: Rammstein is a German Neue Deutsche Härte band, formed in 1994 in Berlin.