Yesterday at 7:55 AM ... * The deadline for our International Business programme already ended in January (numerus fixus).

See More. Name Of Institution Maastricht University School Of Business... Name of Institution Maastricht University School of Business and Economics Erasmus code NL MAASTRI01 28843-IC-1-2007-1-NL-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 Postal Address P.O. Increasingly, our reputation is attracting students from outside the Netherlands. Working on real-life case studies helps me to understand the various aspects of business such as marketing, finance and logistics.

De numerus fixus is ingesteld om één van drie redenen: Bewaking van de kwaliteit van de opleiding ... Maastricht University: International Business: full-time: 875: 1475: Erasmus University Rotterdam: International Business Administration: full-time: 600: 2299: VU University Amsterdam: Maastricht University – out as the place to be to International Business, European Studies and Economics. After I chose Maastricht Course of European Studies, I’ve uploaded every document they needed and I sent the certified copy of my High School Diploma that they received on 16 December (it was the last document they asked for). Maastricht University Application Hi everyone! Yesterday at 7:41 AM. With 16,000 students and 3,500 staff, UM offers a wide choice of academic programmes, all of which are designed to bring out the best in its students. Numerus Fixus програми ... International Business е магистърска програма на английски език в университета Maastricht. psychology, sociology, economics, health management, public health or law) and life sciences (e.g. You are an international student (you have a non-Dutch diploma). Maastricht University or Tilburg University for international student studying business ... Maastricht University or Tilburg University for international student studying business. The programme International Business at the HU is a truly international and inspiring programme. The deadline to start the programme in September 2020 has passed (15 January 2020). If you applied before this date, please check the next steps you need to take for the selection procedure.

School of Business and Economics The Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) provides high-quality education to students and conducts excellent research, offering an international perspective in the fields of economics and international business administration. numerus fixus 875plaatsen: ... Plaatsen voor het bachelor programma International Business aan de Maastricht University School of Business and Economics worden toegekend op basis van een ranking van kandidaten volgens een selectie procedure. International business maastricht university. The programme International Business at the HU is a truly international and inspiring programme. ... Good luck everybody. If you applied before this date, please check the next steps you need to take for the selection procedure.

Studies moeten nu selecteren op basis van minstens twee selectiecriteria. The BSc International Business is a fixed quota programme (numerus fixus) accepting only 550 students. International Business covers all aspects of commerce across borders. Hello, I am debating between Maastricht University or Tilburg University.Any advice would be wonderful! Check in the programme information whether your diploma grants you automatic admission. De numerus fixus is ingesteld om één van drie redenen: Bewaking van de kwaliteit van de opleiding Er willen zich meer studenten voor de opleiding aanmelden dan de universiteit aan kan; Kleine arbeidsmarkt The BSc International Business is a fixed quota programme (numerus fixus) accepting only 550 students. After my graduation I want to work in a big and international company in The Netherlands. Some Dutch diplomas grant automatic admission to Bachelor’s programmes at Leiden University. However, this never happened; the upper limit of 450 students has never been reached. Aufgrund eines Ausländeranteils von bis zu 60 % in einigen Studiengängen, 30 % ausländischen Dozenten sowie eines Pflichtsemesters im Ausland bietet die Universiteit Maastricht ein hohes Maß …

Selectie numerus fixus-opleidingen collegejaar 2017-2018 Voor het collegejaar van 2017-2018 en de jaren die daarop volgen wordt er niet meer geloot voor numerus fixus-opleidingen.