The FX Bobcat MKII takes all that worked from the original design and improved upon it. Quick view . Kit de Maintenance pour FX Bobcat FX Airguns . Anyhow. Out of stock . The bobcat MK1 comes in options where you can get it regulated while the MK2 comes pre regulated. Quick view .

Short and quick to handle as a bullpup and easy to use with high power and accuracy as a full-length rifle. par contre je suis indécis sur le choix du calibre A la fin de la vidéo vous dites que chaque calibre correspond à un usage spécifique ! 65,00 € Voir le produit.

read more >> fx pellets. Il a sorti de la manche des carabines mythiques comme le FX Impact et le Royale 400, et s'inscrit dans la lignée de la qualité avec le nouveau FX Crown et le Verminator Extreme. The Bobcat is a hybrid that sports the best of two action designs. to answer my own question: The .22 Bobcat's max power port is smaller than the one on the .25, because it needs less air. C'est peut être l'une des références Fx les plus demandées dès sa sortie tant nos essais ont révélé la stabilité des plombs diabolo de calibre .30, à moyenne comme à longue distance. For USA and South America related support issues contact [email protected].

MDE CHARGING … The original FX Bobcat was instantly a huge hit. L'équipe de design FX a examiné les fusils de course Bullpup existants et a constaté que les systèmes de verrouillage et de verrouillage étaient très compliqués, difficiles et inconfortables à utiliser sur le sol ou sur un banc de tir.

85,00 € Chargeur pour Impact MKI FX Airguns .

Short and quick to handle as a bull pup and easy to use with high power and accuracy as a full length rifle. Whereas others might have been content to leave well enough along, FX instead quickly took feedback from the original Bobcat design and have now released the FX Bobcat MKII (or Mark 2).

The Bobcat Mk2 provides high power, match winning accuracy with quiet operation nestled in a synthetic soft touch stock for maximum comfort in all weather conditions.

You will need a hugget shroud to quiten it since it cracks loud.

1 958,00 € Indisponible. MDE CHARGING CYLINDER KIT 300 BAR 7L H021383. Noise level is a tad bit louder that my .25 cal. 259,95 € 299,95 € -40,00 € Reduced price! 65,00 € Kit De Maintenance Pour FX Impact FX Airguns . I did a search on FX Bobcat Mk2 and came across my own thread. In the 30 cal the bobcat comes prefixed with a regulator.


SVP pouvez-vous être plus précis ou m’expliquer à quel usage on destine un calibre 6.35 et 7.62 . Short and quick to handle as a bullpup and easy to use with high power and accuracy as a full-length rifle.

Thanks, Kmd

The Bobcat Mk2 will set the standard for high precision air rifles and will not disappoint the most demanding airgun shooter.

read more >> fx optics 3-12×44 ir/ao. Ils ont aussi des carabines PCP Bullpup telles que Wildcat PCP et Bobcat PCP .

1 958,00 € Crown 5,5mm FX Airguns . FX Impact MKII + Power Plenum $1,999.99 - $2,049.99 ESTIMATED IN STOCK DATE (BLACK): 5/4 ALL IMPACT MKII'S HAVE THE POWER PLENUM AND OTHER INTERNAL UPGRADES (GEN. 2). Enter the Bobcat MKII.

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How about that, ha ha.

In typical FX tradition following was not an option, so with the knowledge of features that airgun shooters desire the FX Bobcat was born.

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read more >> charging kit. Forums › General Discussion › FX Bobcat MK2 .25 cal and I want bigger caliber. read more >> service kit. 79,00 € Voir le produit. 85,00 € Voir le produit. 1; 2; Seguinte » Accessories.

read more >> muzzle flip. He uses 44 gr. 18 Dec. 2016 (PCP AIR RIFLE FX BOBCAT MKII REGULATED): (5 / 5) O cliente votou no produto mas não adicionou nenhuma review, ou ainda está pendente. The Distributor in your country is obliged to take care of service and support.

Views : 635 | Subscribe April 6, 2018 at 2:55 pm Link 509ajlParticipant Member I really like my Bobcat and scope combination for what I do with it, shooting squirrels out to 70 yards accurately taking their heads off with …

La Fx Bobcat de calibre 7.62 mm est une arme PCP à répétition manuelle conçue pour le tir de précision sur des distances pouvant dépasser les 100 mètres ! It’s a mean gun in 30 and super accurate.

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