When changing from direct to indirect speech, you need to change the grammar in certain ways. We sometimes change the tense of the reported clause by moving it back one tense. So now you have no problem with making reported speech from positive and negative sentences. 1. » >>> Snoopy said he happy.

Direct and Indirect Speech of Simple Present Tense We often convey a message or give information about what someone said, thought or felt to somebody else. Reported Speech (from Present Simple statements) Write the sentences using reported speech With Answer Key and Grammar Note on Page 2 Intermediate Level Approximately 10 - 15 minutes. Examples: Direct speech Reported speech / Indirect speech He says, "We are in London for the first time. In order to do this you can use the grammar structure named direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech. 2. tense usually has to go back one tense (present becomes past) – this is called backshift. He says, “I work for my company” He said that he worked for my company. Simple Present. If Direct is Simple Present→In Indirect, it becomes Simple Past.ExampleDirect SpeechShe said "I live in Delhi"Indirect SpeechShe said that she lived in DelhiNote:-In Direct Speech, we use "live"In Indirect Speech, we use "lived"QuestionsHe said "I like ice cream"-a … "Direct speech He says (that) they are in London for the first time.Reported speech - Indirect speech He says, "We were in London for the first time.

The tenses generally move backwards in this way: Present Simple Tense into Past Simple Tense. The changes are summarised in below table. When you are changing a question from direct speech into indirect speech, you follow the same kinds of rules as for statements. Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is a second-hand account of something a person said. He said that he liked ice cream. Using the Past Tense . Present Continuous I am living in Paris. » >>> My friends swore they really French fries.

Click here for a list of all the reported speech exercises. Tenses 1. Tense Changes in Reported Speech.

The general rule is that present tenses in direct speech change to past tenses in reported speech. Modal Verbs In Reported Speech Exercises – Modals Exercises PDF. For example, present simple goes back one tense to past simple.We call this change "backshift".When do we use backshift? Common sense, together with the time aspect from the speaker’s point of view, are more important than the rules when making the usual changes. Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Direct and Indirect present simple tense practice exercise with answers. Reported Speech Exercise 1 - statements - mixed tenses Reported Speech Exercise 2 - statements - present tense Reported Speech Exercise 3 - statements - present tense Reported Speech Exercise 4 - statements - mixed tenses Reported Speech Consider the Julia: ‘’

John : « They are doing their homework. She said, “I am reading English grammar book” She said that I ... Read moreReported Speech Exercise with Present Simple Tense He said that he worked for his company. Direct speech is a form of speech where the speaker gives first hand information, whereas indirect speech is reported on behalf of someone else. Tense, Direct and Reported Speech, English direct indirect speech and tense; Tense Direct Speech Reported Speech Present Simple I like ice cream.

In order to do this you can use the grammar structure named direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech.

The only differences are that you need to use a different word to introduce the reported speech, and the word order of the question becomes like that of a statement. Repitiendo sus palabras exactas, es decir, empleando el estilo directo.