The Prusa development team unexpectedly added an automatic adaptive layer height feature to a recent Alpha PrusaSlicer release.

3D Printing Layer Height: How Much Does It Matter? Re: Smooth variable layer height would be awesome! Fri …

Re: Smooth variable layer height would be awesome! Prusa's free slic3r has variable layer height. To enable variable layer height just set layer Thickness to the minimum layer height you want, and Max to the largest/thickest layer you want your print to have.

Absolutely want this feature! In example for a slicing at 0.15 layer height, I'd like to modify the layers from 10.45 to 12.65 to have layer height= 0.2. Thu May 11, 2017 12:16 pm . This one is amazing.
In example for a slicing at 0.15 layer height, I'd like to modify the layers from 10.45 to 12.65 to have layer height= 0.2.

That is, parts of the model could be printed with a coarse layer height, for example vertical sections, and other parts could be printed with a finer layer height, for example sloping … You will probably have to do some experimenting to determine the optimal values for these top 3 values. Following the suit of many slicers starting with the powerful but buggy KISS slicer many years ago, and continuting with Slic3r Prusa Edition and the experimental IceSL slicer, Cura has its own Variable Layer Height Slicing, and it is amazing. ... Adaptive or variable layer heights allow different layers within a single model to be printed at different layer heights.

You can have multiple such statements (e.g.

Variable layer height while printing multiple (different) objects? You can slow it down with "before layer change" gcode: {if layer_z == 1}M220 S50{endif} This would set the speed to 50% of regular speed before beginning the layer with height of 1mm.

I find that 0.100 and 0.400 mm seems to work pretty well, but of course these actually depends on the shape of the part you are printing.

Adaptive layer height Experimental section.

I'm trying to change the layer height of a part of the model accurately.

To keep All3DP free and independent, we finance ourselves through advertising and affiliate revenues. The total height “calculation” can be done in two ways: 1)the max Z-Value in the G-Code, 2) max Z-Value with extrusion in this height; The height/layer information is sometimes not matching with G-Code Viewer, because the viewer did a lot of “magic” (e.g. When you purchase using a shopping link on our site we earn an affiliate commission. The idea is that the layer height can change dynamically during the print operation. Variable Layer Height Slic3r gives the ability to adjust the layer height along the Z axis. Editorial content, on principle, can not be bought or influenced. 3D Prints Are Like Onions. All3DP is an editorially independent publication. Now Prusa Research has provided a freshly modified version of Slic3r, the open source 3D print slicing tool, that includes what they call “Smooth Variable Layer Height”, or “SVLH”. to bring it back to 100% after you are done with the layer you want it to print slow).

What does Prusa Slicer do if I add detail (variable layer height) to a region of *one* object when I'm printing multiple objects on the plate?

If that’s possible, then you could increase the layer height for vertical sections where detail is unimportant, or decrease the layer height for sections …

We paid for Simplify3d and did not get new features for a long time ... DavidSG Posts: 2 Joined: Thu May 11, 2017 12:14 pm. Learn more. cdl1701 Posts: 2 Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:57 pm.