Watch Russland Actionfilm, Historienfilm stream HD. The year is 1985, the Soviet Union is engaged in a race with America to see which nation will conquer space first. Der Ausfall der Station – des ganzen Stolzes der sowjetischen Wissenschaft und Weltraumindustrie – würde nicht nur einen unwiederbringlichen Imageverlust für die Sowjetunion bedeuten, sondern auch unzählige Menschenleben kosten. At the height of the Cold War in 1985, an unmanned Soviet space station spins out of control. Inhaltsangabe: Nachdem am 11. Setelah kontak dengan stasiun luar angkasa Salyut 7 yang hilang, kosmonot Vladimir Dzhanibekov dan dok Viktor Savinykh merapat dengan kapal kosong dan membeku, dan menghidupkannya kembali. Salyut-7 is the true story of the Soviet Space station which began to fall to earth in 1985. Berdasarkan kejadian aktual. Langsung saja streaming dan download film ini di GudangMovies21 … If you enjoyed movies like Apollo 13, Gravity and The Martian then you'll love this too. Salyut-7 and The New Cold War by Arthur M. Marx | Oct 11, 2018 More than three decades ago, the United States and the U.S.S.R. nearly came to blows over a disabled Soviet space station called Salyut-7. Available on iTunes, Prime Video, Tubi TV It was one of the most daring missions in the history of space exploration. ... Soviet astronauts raced into space to salvage it. Salyut 7: The True Story of the Soviet 'Apollo 13' Action 2017 1 hr 58 min. Like First Man and other great space movies, the story moves between the unfolding drama on Earth and the cascading events in space. Salyut-7 ein Film von Klim Shipenko mit Pavel Derevyanko, Vladimir Vdovichenkov. Based on actual events. 1985: Die unbemannte sowjetische Raumstation „Salyut 7“ umkreist die Erde, als sie plötzlich aufhört, auf die Befehle der Bodenkontrolle zu reagieren. Salyut 7 is a film directed by Klim Shipenko with Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Pavel Derevyanko, Lyubov Novikova, Ilya Andryukov, .... Year: 2017. Nonton Streaming Download Subtitle Indonesia Sinopsis Salyut 7 (2017) menceritakan USSR, Juni 1985. Original title: Salyut-7. Pavel Derevyanko co-stars in the film… Vladimir Vdovichenkov plays one of the Soviet-era cosmonauts in the Russian space epic Salyut 7 (category: IIA (Russian). Synopsis: USSR, June 1985.

Salyut-7 stream Deutsch Salyut-7 2017 with , . With the U.S. Space Shuttle ready to capture it, Soviet cosmonauts fly up to save it. This film is based on one of the most daring missions in the history of space flight. After contact with the Salyut 7 space station is lost, cosmonauts Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Viktor Savinykh dock with the empty, frozen craft, and bring her back to life.