They are known for their intelligence, adaptability and happy disposition, earning them the nickname "merry cocker". The English Cocker Spaniel is an active, merry sporting dog, standing well up at the withers and compactly built. So, it is a high time for you to take a pen and write down the best names ever for your little Spaniel puppy! It was some time before the Cocker Spaniel was recognised and registered as a separate breed. Their name had even originated due to the breed’s woodcock hunting skills. Good Cocker Spaniel Names. If you are more of a traditionalist, you can go for the usual dog names such as “Buddy” or “Molly”. The cocker spaniel, often referred to as the American cocker spaniel, descends from the English cocker spaniel. But, alas, during the recent COVID period, there were no local puppies to … The Cocker Spaniel is a sturdy, compact, and well-balanced dog originally bred for flushing game. The dog, whose name is lost to history, was based on a neighbor's Cocker. June 18th, 2017 Filed under: Cocker Spaniel. The English Cocker Spaniel is a breed of gun dog.It is noteworthy for producing one of the most varied numbers of pups in a litter among all dog breeds. Take a look at the top cute girl dog and puppy names on our list over 5,000 names! Be careful! However, a lot of years went by and more people grew to love the purebred, some even used them as show dogs. By the 1800s, the Spaniel had divided further into those bred for companion dogs (known as toys), and those for working. Good Cocker Spaniel Names: Blue Roan Cocker Spaniel Names. Cocker spaniels are descended from spaniels, one of the oldest breed of dogs. The word 'Cocker' in Cocker Spaniel comes from the breed's original use in hunting woodcocks. Spaniels have become a part of history in stories by Chaucer (1342-1400), Shakespeare (1564-1616), and even played a part in England’s separation from the Catholic Church when Lord Wiltshire’s cocker spaniel … Search the list by breed and AKC group to find some of the best names suited to your new best friend, and click on the heart beside the names to vote for your favorites. My wife and I recently decided to add a new Cocker Spaniel to our family. First off, ‘Spaniel’ is Spanish for ‘Spanish Dog’, hence the cocker spaniel is believed to be a descendant of the Spaniel family.
A comprehensive list of thousands of Male English Cocker Spaniel names is composed in … Discover list of cute and funny Cocker Spaniel (English) dog names for boy. The name "cocker" comes from the woodcock, a game bird that these dogs efficiently flushed out for hunters. Historically C ocker Spaniels are hunting dogs and, if you have a working Cocker spaniel puppy then his working and hunting drive and urges will be very highly developed and he will need to use them.
Generally, new dog owners like to keep the name short and easy for their pet to remember.
Ever wonder what the most popular female dog names are? Cocker Spaniels sind im Herzen Jäger, obwohl ihre Liebe zur menschlichen Gesellschaft sie zu großen Schoßhunden und Therapiehunden macht. This elite dog family was split into the 1800s and spaniels from then off could either be companions or hunting dogs. There are "field" or "working" cockers and "show" cockers. Search best dog names for your male Cocker Spaniel (English). Moreover, a name should sound easy and natural. Do not postpone the issue of choosing the name for your puppy since a dog should get used to its name since the very puppyhood. "The best place to find great Cocker Spaniel dog names." Browse Thousands of Male English Cocker Spaniel Names Home » Dog Names » . As you can see, the "cock" part of the word "woodcock" is in the Cocker Spaniel's breed name. The Cocker Spaniel got its name from the game that they hunt, flush and retrieve - the woodcock. The American Cocker Spaniel is an adorable, lovable dog that deserves a great name. Introduction. Discover list of cute and funny Cocker Spaniel (English) dog names for girl. Now, the Cocker Spaniel belonged to the land spaniels. The Cocker Spaniel is the smallest member of the Sporting Group. We already had a 13 yr. old Cocker, and an 18 year old cat, but as they are clearly aging, we felt we were ready to add a younger pet into the mix. Cocker Spaniel. Wenn Sie jedoch einen Hund benennen, der mit Ihnen zusammenarbeiten wird, möchten Sie einen etwas würdevolleren Namen, … Every dog owner always tries to find a name for a puppy that will be cool, fairly unusual and have some distinct meaning.