Overwatch Replay Analyzer (ORA) v0.1.1 Introduction. Overwatch Ranked Data. OmnicMeta: Overwatch Data Analysis. Data source. I am working with a new mysterious benefactor who has helped me secure a lot of data. - appcell/OverwatchDataAnalysis The goal of this data analysis is to analyse the differences in correlations between those for win rate vs. the correlations to SR. If you like what you are seeing and want to see more data analysis please give a big thank you to TheC0der! Hero Usage Meta Reports and Deep Analysis on … 1 talking about this. Overwatch Data Analysis : Stats for Wins vs. Stats for SR : Offense Edition (x-post from /r/overwatchuniversity) For those of you who want to watch a video ... My apologies, but the tables I have look UGLY formatted for reddit, but please use the provided pictures if it is easier on your eyes. He also has plans of his own that he will set in motion soon. Meaningful Data Analysis for Competitive Overwatch on PC and Console. Latest Overwatch Analysis Articles: 2019-04-15 Baptiste New Hero Analysis and the Support Meta 2019-01-30 Patch 1.32 and Reaper's Self Healing Buff ORA can extract a timeline of events from a third-person perspective replay video. Hero Usage Meta Reports and Deep Analysis on Heroes and Changes. Using Data Analysis to Understand Competitive Overwatch : Search for Overwatch Player Stats Notice and Letter from Switch . Taking into account all the great feedback from last time, I decided to split up each of the data sets into 2 groups, Platinum and below, Diamond and above. I have been recording data from my ranked Overwatch matches for a number of seasons and the dataset can be found in this repo.. Meaningful Data Analysis for Competitive Overwatch on PC and Console. A video analyzer for getting player/chara(name, health, ult etc)/killfeed info in an Overwatch game video replay. Overwatch League Matches . Overwatch Replay Analyzer (ORA) v0.1.1 is a free software developed by OWDATA.ORG, a free organization devoted to competitive Overwatch data analysis.

Battle.Net Sign In {{ player.name }} ... No worries your data is safe! Overwatch Stats & Leaderboards. 224 likes.