Getting in the evil Tyra's way, Nisa is magically chosen to become the new Queen of the Amazons and foil Tyra's evil plans of taking over.
If Mission Odyssey is dubbed in English, then it will be dubbed by Studiopolis (Los Angeles) / Funimation (Texas). Retrieved from "" The English dub will air on Near Future. Login.

Mission Odyssey is a 26-part animated series about the adventures of the ancient Greek hero Odysseus.

: Dates ??? Character design was created by David Gilson. 11 comments: Layne April 9, 2017 at 7:37 AM.

Search All BCDB Search This Series Detailed Search. Replies. | Full season and episodes - free online streaming fast high quality legal movies and TV television shows Series Began Airing on September 06, 2002. Search The BCDB . GumballW April 9, 2017 at 9:27 AM. King of the Titans. 17. Already subscribed? It also helps that she’s a red head. More purchase options. Nia ist 13 jahre alt, ihre Mutter starb bei ihrer Geburt, Vater unbekannt. In this greek adventure type series a young girl named Nisa gets trussed up by te badguys to lure the other good guys into a trap! Watch Mission: Odyssey Free Online. And the french illustrator and designer, David Gilson, granded us that wish. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Wagering against the goddess Athena that he can prevent Ulysses from reaching Ithaca, Poseidon sends the hero and his band of warriors where they must battle fantastic mythological creatures of might and magic.

Mission Odyssey was my introduction to the Odysseus legend. Voice cast Characters Troy Baker: Ulysses ??? : Zephyr ???
Nisa is a 13-year-old girl and one of Ulysses' loyal comrades of the group who are involved in an adventure to return to his homeland, Ithaca. Posted by GumballW at 6:50:00 AM. DOWNLOAD – Mission Odyssey – Ep 08. I mean, it's about traveling the entire mediterranean sea, encountering various monsters. Directed By Olivier Jongerlynck. Mission Odyssey – Ep 08. Be the first to review this item 2019 ALL.

Ulysses meets Bellero, one of Poseidon's sons who has taken Nisa hostage. Buy HD $1.99. Running Time: 26 …

: Diomedes ??? Watch with Prime Start your 30-day free trial. Nisa ist heimlich in Zephyr verliebt. If you would like to add a cartoon to this Studio or Series, Click Here. Nisa is Ulysses' comrade and best friend and one of the main characters of the animated series, Mission Odyssey. Only by promising him to help find and catch Pegasus, the mystical winged white horse. If there's one legend that deserves to be turned into a series, it's Odysseus. Is she a barefooter? Complete Disney Film Canon. Add Cartoon . That always helps! The terrifying Amazons capture Ulysses and his crew. Mission Odyssey is an anime-styled action-adventure cartoon featuring the characters of Ulysses and his companions Titan, Zephyr, Nisa, Philo, Dates, Diomedes, and the Owl; Poseidon; and other figures from Classical mythology.

Sign In; Create Account; Clear history; Help; Mission Odyssey; Season 1; Mission Odyssey.

The series is a production of BAF Berlin Animation Film GmbH & Co. Produktions GmbH and Marathon Filmproduktion in co-production with M6.

Reply Delete. Mission Odyssey ist eine 26-teilige Zeichentrickserie, ... Zephyr, dem Sohn eines Windgottes, der hellsichtigen Nisa, dem tollpatschigen Philo, und dem habgierigen Navigator Dates, sowie Diomedes und einer cleveren Eule, es aus eigener Kraft niemals nach Hause schaffen werden. Mislead by a magical map given to them by the one eyed Greeches, Ulysses and his crew get separated and trapped on a mystical island. Old Nisa post. Buy Episode 1 HD $1.99. : Athena ??? December 16, 2012. Music: Brian Higgins.

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