Leta 1947 je bila vzhodno-sibirska Laika priznana kot pasma. East Siberian Laika is also known as Vostotchno Sibirskaia Laika; This breed can prove to be a very good watchdog as they have natural instincts of protection. Section 2 Nordic hunting dogs. Zemlja porijekla.
Abramov data de comienzos del Siglo XX y constituiría la base del estándar de esta raza. The East Siberian Laika (Vostotchno-Sibirskaia Laika) is a Russian breed of dog of spitz type a hunting dog originating in parts of Siberia east of the Yenisei River. He’s perhaps lighter and longer in the leg than a Husky, but with the same thick coat, prick ears, and alert expression. 36:30 Sve vrste pasa koje počinju na slovo W. 344. Vostotchno-Sibirskaia Laika: Origin Russia, 1800s: Use Companion, Large Game Hunting: Life Expectancy This breed can live as long as 10-12 years of age: Weight & Height 40 to 50 pounds & 22 to 25 inches tall at the shoulders: Known Health Problems A fairly healthy breed but may be some cases of Epilepsy and Skin Allergies: Physical Description The East Siberian Laika has as broad skull and …
Russko-Evropeïskaïa Laïka (304) (Russisch-Europäischer Laïka) Vostotchno-Sibirskaïa Laïka (305) (Ostsibirischer Laïka) Zapadno-Sibirskaïa Laïka (306) (Westsibirischer Laïka) Widerristhöhe: 53–65 cm Gewicht: 21–30 kg Liste der Haushunde FCI-Standard N° 305 / 19.08.1996 / GB EAST SIBERIAN LAIKA (Vostotchno-Sibirskaïa Laïka)
FCI No. Boje. VOSTOTCHNO-SIBIRSKAÏA LAÏKA (305) Group : n°5 - Spitz and primitive types. Lov. Zapadno-Sibirskaïa Laïka WEST SIBERIAN LAIKA FCI-Standard N° 306 / 19.08.1996 / GB TRANSLATION : Mrs. C. Seidler. főoldal / Magazin / Oktatás, nevelés / Fajtaleírások / Kelet-szibériai lajka (Vostotchno-Sibirskaïa Laïka) fajtastandard Fajtaleírások 2018. szeptember 06. Istočno sibirska lajka - Vostotchno-Sibirskaia Laika (East Siberian Laika) Istočno sibirska lajka - Vostotchno-Sibirskaia Laika (East Siberian Laika) Ispis E-mail Detalji Kategorija: V. FCI skupina.
VOSTOTCHNO-SIBIRSKAÏA LAÏKA (305) Gruppe : n°5 - Spitze und Hunde vom Urtyp. 14:23 The East Siberian laika (Vostotchno-Sibirskaïa Laïka), It had its origin in the wooded areas of the East Siberian and far East through crosses between Ewankis, Lamutes, You amures and other Laïka. 1900. UTILIZATION : Polyvalent hunting dog. CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. However, these dogs have been located in the Amur River region, Evenkiysky District, Irkutsk … Rusija. ORIGIN : Russia. La primera descripción del pre-Amur Laïka a cargo de K.G. Inteligentan, hrabar Namjena. Godina nastanka.