Zentrale Anlaufstelle ist das Audimax der Universität Hamburg am Von-Melle-Park 4: Hier beraten Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Zentralen Studienberatung und des Studierendenwerks mit hilfreichen Informationen. Sven Magg from the Knowledge Technology group gave a talk "Von neuronalen Algorithmen im Gehirn zu helfenden, lernenden Robotern" (From Neural Algorythms in the Brain to Learning and Helping Robots) at the "Unitag". Zentrum des Universitätstages 2020 ist der Campus der Universität Hamburg (Von-Melle-Park) und der MIN-Campus (Martin-Luther-King-Platz). February 2020, the annual Unitag, an information day for Hamburg pupils, took place at Universität Hamburg. Every year in February the "Unitag" takes place at the "Universität Hamburg" to let school students find the best-fitting subject to study. 30% increasing – comparing November 2018 – leads to significant increase in total yearly figures and targeting Unitag team to keep same rhythm through coming 2020… 23.12.2019 Starting October 2017, UNITAG represents AIR INDIA in Israel Universität Hamburg enjoys another resounding success with the German Research Foundation (DFG) DFG has approved and will fund all 4 research training groups (RTGs) to the tune of €19.3 million in total. On 18. Ziel ist es, einen umfassenden Überblick über die Studienmöglichkeiten an der Universität Hamburg zu vermitteln und bei der Auswahl des geeigneten Studienfaches zu unterstützen. Hamburg Research Academy Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) Center of Natural History Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability Museums and collections University Archives (in German) All academic institutions Regional Computing Center (RRZ)

At the Unitag pupils from higher grades in …

AIR CARGO PALLETS AND CONTAINERS Explore. Types of cargo Fra Fragile cargo Mag Magnetized material Avi Live animals Vun Vulnerable cargo Dgr Dangerous goods Wet Wet cargo Val Valuable cargo Big/Hea Outsized cargo/Heavy cargo Hum Human remains Per Perishable cargo About 120 students came to the IDGS for a total of four information sessions on this day, each of which we offered together with a taster course on DGS. Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Fakultäten, der Fachbereiche und der zentralen Studienberatung stellen sich am Unitag allen Fragen.