An earnest and shy young man (Polanski, very earnest and shy) applies for the apartment of a young woman who attempted suicide and is in the hospital. Details du film Titres alternatifs (AKAS):Le locataire (eng), The Tenant (eng) Note du film: 7.7 / 10 (37122) 126 min [ No one does it to you like Roman Polanski.] The Tenant has lots of comic detail which rings true.
The Tenant Critics Consensus A rough-edged thriller that lacks the precision of Polanski's best work, but makes up for it with its skillful mounting of paranoia, dread, and dark themes. The noisy taps, the inaccessible loo, the strange things left behind … Le cinéaste parle avant tout de l’anxiété d’être un étranger dans une grande ville, seul et en proie à l’hostilité de tous.
Michal Komasa 109,507 views. Roman Polanski's The Tenant builds a myriad of psychological layers around the director cast in the role of Trelkovsky. Polanski is brilliant at examining the struggle to assert one's identity as a single person in a lonely and busy city.
Découvrez tous les films de la filmographie de Roman Polanski. Polanski, comme Hitchcock ou Kubrick, est passé maître dans l’art de capturer le spectateur pour le conduire exactement là où il veut. Director Roman Polanski casts himself in the lead of the psychological thriller The Tenant.
In Paris, isolated Eastern European émigré Trelkovsky (Roman Polanski) rents an apartment in a spooky old building whose inhabitants regard him with suspicion and even outright hostility. After the triumph of Chinatown, Roman Polanski's The Tenant marked an unsettling return to the horrifying psychodrama of Repulsion and Rosemary's Baby. Trelkovsky (Polanski) rents an apartment in a spooky old residential building, where his neighbors — mostly old recluses — eye him with suspicious contempt. It is a film often grouped together with Rosemary's Baby and Repulsion under the 'apartment trilogy' banner although this film develops into far …
The Tenant has lots of comic detail which rings true. - Trelkovsky, d'origine juive polonaise, travaille dans un service d'archives et se lie difficilement avec ses collègues.
As in those previous films, Polanski explores a descent into madness with subtle, deliberate pacing and keen attention to accumulating details. The noisy taps, the inaccessible loo, the strange things left behind by previous occupiers, weird and hostile neighbours.
Le locataire (original title) R | 2h 6min | Drama, Thriller | 26 May 1976 (France) A bureaucrat rents a Paris apartment where he finds himself drawn into a rabbit hole of dangerous paranoia. The Tenant ( 1976) The Tenant. Over the course of the film, Trelkovsky comes to believe that his tenants are engaged in a conspiracy to drive him to suicide by forcing him to take on the personality of the dead woman. At work he meets loud and insensitive people, and, being from Poland, he has no family or past to support him.
Polanski stars as Trelkovsky, a Polish-born French citizen who moves into an apartment whose previous tenant committed suicide.
The Tenant 1976 | 125 min. The Tenant (Roman Polanski, 1976) - Trailer - Duration: 3:03.