(CONTROLS) Bunnyhop - F1 toggle (hold space to bunny hop) Rapid fire - F2 toggle (hold middle mouse to rapid fire) Perfect 180 turnaround - F3 toggle (press T to do 180°) AK-47 norecoil - default F4 M4A1-S norecoil - default F6 M4A4 norecoil - default F7 I only have the pull down script atm because I only know the very basics of LUA, mind you, I'm 15. A complete, searchable list of all 2,870 CS:GO commands with detailed documentation, working examples, and an advanced search feature. The recoil of the weapon is too strong in CS:GO? Last but not least, use host_timescale 4 to activate a little speed hack in CS:GO. A Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS1.6) Config Script in the Weapon Scripts category, submitted by MatekHaxior Default is 2.

Arguments. Ist das geschehen, dann kannst Du die folgenden Befehle eingeben, um darüber den Recoil zu deaktivieren. No recoil is one thing,no spread is a different thing, What you got here is no spread and i think i saw this plugin somewhere else only that it wasn't just for admins but for all players, Now i've been playing this game (cs 1.6) for like a few years (used to play)and as an admin/servers owner i dont think its such a good idea to have this plugin instaled for your admins,its like cheating your self Arguments are parameters that you add to a command. From the best players or teams in the world. Jerome Heath. I want it so that after 900ms it stops pulling down and starts pulling left/right. Bots recently received a much-needed update in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, improving their … I'm trying to make a minimal recoil AK47 CSGO script but I can't seem to get the script to stop pulling down. Just use ‘cl_predictweapons 0’ to activate no recoil. Find below working examples of this command (copy and paste into console). Sv_cheats Required? How to remove bots in CS:GO. Cheats and hacks commands. 4 would make their be 2x as much recoil.

Thread starter the_nut; Start date Jan 13, 2019; If you're interested in hacking CSGO you must read the Start Here CSGO Hacking Guide and visit the CSGO Video Tutorial Section. Source Code External C++ CSGO RCS - Recoil Control System - No Recoil. Enjoy!!!!! Client: Default Value : 2: weapon_recoil_scale Examples.
This includes being invincible, see through walls, and many other fun features. 3. cl_bob "0" - This will stop your weapon movement, reducing a bit the recoil cl_bobcycle "0" - This will help the command above cl_bobup "0" - This will help too # Spread command # cl_lw 0 - This command will reduce the spread, centering the bullets in a point cl_lc 0 - This will help the command …

Want to improve your skills in your favorite game CS:GO? 7. Choose powerful scripts from the No Recoil Pro Macro™.