Bodomské vraždy, nechvalně proslulá trojnásobná vražda, se udála v jižním Finsku v roce 1960 u jezera Bodom ve městě Espoo, asi 22 km západně od Helsinek.V noci 4. června 1960 tábořili čtyři mladí lidé na břehu jezera, když neznámý vrah tři z nich zabil nožem a čtvrtého zranil. Maila Irmeli Björklund (15 years old female) – DIED . On June 4, 1960, 15-year-olds Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki and their 18-year-old boyfriends Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson went camping on the shores of the beautiful Lake Bodom near the Finnish city of Espoo. Os assassinatos do lago Bodom é um dos casos de homicídio não resolvidos mais famosos da história criminal finlandesa.Em 5 de junho de 1960, no lago Bodom, duas jovens de 15 anos, Maila Irmeli Björklund e Anja Tuulikki Mäki, e um jovem de 18 anos, Seppo Antero Boisman, foram mortos por facadas e traumatismo contuso na cabeça, enquanto dormiam dentro de uma barraca. Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki were fifteen years old at the time; accompanying them were their eighteen-year-old boyfriends, Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson. Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki were fifteen years old at the time; accompanying them were their eighteen-year-old boyfriends, … Matkakohteeksi oli valittu Espoossa, Oittaalla sijaitseva Bodomjärvi. On June 5, 1960, at Bodom Lake, 15-year-old females, Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki, and 18-year-old male, Seppo Antero Boisman, were killed by stabbing and blunt force trauma to their heads, while sleeping inside a tent. They had been accompanied by their boyfriends, Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson, both of whom were 18. 104899351, citing Helsingin pitäjän kirkon hautausmaa, Tikkurila, Vantaa Municipality, Uusimaa, Finland ; Maintained by Halti (contributor 47398908) . Az első nap délután felállították sátrukat, és minden a legnagyobb rendben volt. The Lake Bodom Murders. “On June 5, 1960, at Bodominsky Lake, 15-year-old females, Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki, and 18-year-old male, Seppo Antero Boisman, were killed while sleeping inside a tent by blunt force trauma to their heads from a stone.” “The Shocking Truth: Friday the 13th” premieres on Reelz on Saturday April 28th at 9pm EST.
Maila Irmeli Björklund und Anja Tuulikki Mäki waren 15 Jahre alt zu der Zeit; sie waren ihr achtzehn Jahre alten Freunde, Seppo Antero Boisman und begleitet Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson. Sometime between 4:00 and 6:00 in the morning, the teens were stabbed and bludgeoned. Welcome to The True Crime Witch Podcast, your host Emma will take you into the world of true crime and everything murderous, mysterious and down right macabre. Have they been solved? Teltan sisällä olivat kolme muuta nuorta. Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki were fifteen years old at the time; accompanying them were their eighteen-year-old boyfriends, Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson. Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki were fifteen years old at the time; accompanying them were their eighteen-year-old boyfriends, Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson. Does anyone know anything about these murders? Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson, 18 years old at the time. Hän on käynyt surmapaikalla useamman kerran. Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki where 15 at the time and Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson where 18. Matkaan lähtivät 15 vuotiaat tytöt Maila Irmeli Björklund ja Anja Tuulikki Mäki sekä pojat Seppo Antero Boisman ja Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson. Bei den Opfern handelte es sich um die zwei 15-jährigen Mädchen Maila Irmeli Björklund und Anja Tuulikki Mäki und um den 18-jährigen Seppo Antero Boisman.
The Bodominjärvi Murders are the most famous homicide cases in Finnish criminal history. 1960. június 4-én két 15 éves lány, Maila Irmeli Björklund és Anja Tuulikki Mäki útnak indult Espooból sátorozni.
Des amis, de l'alcool, du camping et de la pêche. Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Maila Irmeli “Maili” Björklund (6 Jun 1944–5 Jun 1960), Find a Grave Memorial no.