Harvest Moon - Animal Parade is a Nintendo Wii emulator game that you can download to your computer and enjoy it by yourself or with your friends.Harvest Moon - Animal Parade file size - 1.9GB is absolutely safe because was tested by most trusted antiviruses. The Wounded Bird Quest may be my favourite of all the 'optional Events'. sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2013. In Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, the divine tree which once stood in the middle of the Harvest Goddess' pond is weakening, the creatures are beginning to leave the land, and the five bells have lost their power. Candidatos ao casamento. For Harvest Moon: Animal Parade on the Wii, GameFAQs has 8 save games. He lives at Harmonica Town Fishery with his father Ozzie and his cousin Toby. Filename: Harvest Moon - Animal Parade (USA).7z. I do enjoy Theodore's very colourful Circus and I think the Pets are more interactive and entertaining than they were in ToT, although ToT was very exciting where the Wild Animals as Pets were concerned. Paolo (パオ Pao) is a character in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade.. One of the few children villagers on the island, Paolo is an adventerous boy with love of the sea. It is the second title for the Wii in the Harvest Moon series, and has the same character designer as Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility.It features many animals, all of which one can ride, including circus animals. It is the second title for the Wii in the Harvest Moon series, and has the same character designer as Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility.It features many animals, all of which one can ride, including circus animals.
Download the Harvest Moon Animal Parade ROM for Nintendo Wii . Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is a farming Construction and management simulation video game by Marvelous Entertainment released exclusively for Nintendo's Wii console. Harvest Moon - Deine Tierparade Cheats und Tipps: Charakter-Guide, Herzevents und Heiraten, Mini-Events, Ernte und Tiere, und 4 weitere Themen Dazu müsst ihr euer Haus auf Stufe 3 ausbauen, dann wird euch euer Ehepartner fragen, ob ihr auch gerne ein Kind bekommen würdet. He's very close to his cousin, and can be found fishing together. Harvest Moon - Animal parade Tire suas dúvidas sobre o jogo aqui. eurem Mann könnt ihr maximal zwei Kinder bekommen. Works with Android, Windows, and Mac OS X devices. The ROM contains the video game files of Harvest Moon – Animal Parade and the emulator acts as … Also see Action Replay Codes for more Harvest Moon: Animal Parade cheat codes. Jump to: Animal Parade has some wonderful Events and options involving both Ranch Animals and Wild Animals. The Harvest Goddess believes that only the strength of the Harvest King can help revive the earth and bring the tree back to life. The gameplay of Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is an acquired taste, but the satisfaction of building up a successful farm and managing your character's life at … Description: Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is a Simulation game published by Natsume released on November 12, 2009 for the Nintendo Wii.