I'm mostly curious about the Fiio Q5S ($350+) that was just announced and the McIntosh MHA50 ($700). You can ask in the X7 and DP-X1 threads to confirm. Mi … Priced at 350 USD, this modular USB DAC/AMP has iFi xDSD, Earmen TR-AMP, and xDuoo XD-10 Poke as the main competitors. The Chord Hugo 2 and Mojo are great, too. The FiiO Q5s is a revision of the original Q5 portable Bluetooth DAC/Amp using FiiO’s latest interchangeable AM3E amp module. DAC - Portable. The FiiO Q5 is pretty well built, the amp never feels cheap in the hand nor bulky.

The Chord Mojo is a rather popular device given its sound quality and size. $4,500. Hello, I have a Fiio X5 3 nd,fiio A5 and HD600.I want to know if buying a Chord Mojo I wil feel a HUGE difference in sound quality? FiiO M11 Pro High-End Portable Music Player with THX Technology - Review - Duration: 33:13. $4,500.

In terms of sound quality, power output, etc.

Review: Chord Mojo – Hot or Not? If you wanna have more options I will say get the chord mojo or the ifi micro idsd black label seeing as how you got more money to spend on.

We had to get the Mojo via a reseller as Chord wasn’t interested in sending us a Mojo for review.

I’m glad to tell you that a Q5 made its way to me and I could compare both brothers in arms.

The Q5s boost bass in comparison is loose, overly warm and seems to put a dampener on the dynamic range compared to the stock. For me the combination with HD600,Fiio A5 and Fiio X5 3nd is very ok,but thinking that is possbile to improve the sound it makes me very curious . Chord Mojo (with Poly) £499 (Poly) We thank FiiO for this opportunity. I would leave it’s boosting off. FiiO Q5s is the update of the older Q5, but now has DSD Decoding, Bluetooth 5.0, and 4.4mm Balanced outputs from the get-go. The subbass of the Q5s is superior in terms of depth, while the Mojo … It retails for $349.99. The FiiO Q5 is pretty well built, the amp never feels cheap in the hand nor bulky. But, a few years after the Mojo was released, Chord came out with the Poly, which greatly enhanced the functionality of the Mojo. save hide report. Disclaimer: The Chord Mojo was sent to me in exchange for Audiogarden.fr bannering on Headfonia.com, the unit can be kept in our collection for reference. From the first beats it was clear that Q5S has more power under its belt, I need to raise the volume by about 10% to have the same sound pressure level (SPL). FiiO Q5S VS FiiO Q5. A Swiss-army knife for audiophile purpose, like the Chord Mojo in its time or the E18 for that matter. If you have the financial resources, then give the DAVE a listen. Dragonfly Cobalt VS Chord Mojo VS FiiO Q5s ? To learn more about FiiO reviews on Headfonics you can click here. Different DAC sound than others due to their own FPGA implementation. The Chord Hugo 2 and Mojo are great, too. Phone + Chord Mojo vs DAP Alone Home. Ifi xdsd: 400 euro Cavo bilanciato Meze 2.5 mm: 50 euro Adattatore bilanciato 2.5 mm a 3.5 mm: 30 euro Chord mojo: 480 euro Niente uscite bilanciate, quindi niente cambio cavi cuffie Qui cominciano i dubbi. We’re big fans of their DACs. Disclaimer: The FiiO Q5s sent to us is a sample in exchange for our honest opinion.

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Sources: Tidal and FLAC Rips from my CD collection playing on a Fiio M11 DAP and a Macbook Pro.
DAC - Portable.