For Dutch and English the subsidised courses are restricted to: Dutch: NL-9 Dutch for students and expats NL-10 Dutch for German-speakers English: Effective communication How to register? Select the course of your

Participants were 50 native German speakers who were studying at a Dutch University (Maastricht) and had recently learned to speak, read and write in Dutch.

Data Science. My home language is Afrikaans (South African offshoot of Dutch), and I learned German at school as a third language (English being second). Participants were 50 native German speakers who were studying at a Dutch University (Maastricht) and had recently … Looking for German speaking jobs in Maastricht for foreigners and expats?

This means you will need a level of Dutch that lets you communicate confidently and reasonably accurately. Dutch language course. info)) is a West Germanic language spoken by about 24 million people as a first language and 5 million people as a second language, constituting the majority of people in the Netherlands (where it is the sole official language countrywide) and Belgium (as one of three official languages).

Culture; Art & Music; Language; Social Sciences; Business; Law & Economics; Science; Life Sciences; Healthcare ; Engineering & Technology; Overview; Search. Our new booking platform offers a broad variety of Group English or Dutch Language Courses for all levels of proficiency. I’m a native speaker of Dutch. With 26 courses, ranging from Bachelor to PhD level, we offer a uniquely broad data science curriculum.

Dutch language course NL . Then this is the perfect course for you.

Dutch: Basic Dutch (German speakers, students only) NL Are you starting your studies at Maastricht University but don’t speak Dutch yet? Use your language skills to find the right position and build your

International Courses. An intake is necessary when you have no certificate of A1. L21: Dutch Language for German Speakers (A0 → B2) - 2020 Disciplines. Other courses = Fulltime = Parttime = Language. If you study or work at Maastricht University or elsewhere in the region, you may want to learn Dutch for social reasons, or your boss may require it of you as a working language. Berlitz is delighted to announce a BRAND NEW BOOKING PLATFORM for group language courses exclusively in Rotterdam, Maastricht, The Hague and Amsterdam. Reading and writing are supporting skills that you mainly practice at home. How hard could it be? This Dutch for German Speakers (Beginners) course is aimed to those who wish to achieve level A2 in a short period of time. This means you will need a level of Dutch that lets you communicate confidently and reasonably accurately.


From the very first group lesson an experienced teacher will help you to build your vocabulary and understand how the language works.The course focuses on speaking and listening skills. Participants can understand the most important aspects of clear standard texts on subjects that they frequently come across at work, at school or during their leisure time. Basic Dutch 2 (Basic NL 2 for German speakers) This course is for German students with basic knowledge of Dutch and for people who have completed level A1. If you study or work at Maastricht University or elsewhere in the region, you may want to learn Dutch for social reasons, or your boss may require it of you as a working language. I lived in Berlin for a few years -- I moved there without actually speaking German.

oe is the “oo” sound in Dutch (like in English boot), sj is the English “sh” sound (unlike in German sch), and somewhat confusingly for German speakers, sch is simply an s sound followed by a (guttural) ch sound (So Amsterdam's well known airport Schiphol is S-[guttural]-ip-hol), w is almost like half way between a German and an English w (v & w) depending on the dialect.