Malcolm Reynolds : I know she meant to kill me 'fore the Doc put her to sleep, which how exactly does that work anyhow? The film Serenity picks up sometime shortly after the series finished. Jewel Belair Staite (* 2.Juni 1982 in White Rock, British Columbia) ist eine kanadische Schauspielerin.Bekanntheit erlangte sie vor allem durch ihre Rollen als Kaylee Frye in der Fernsehserie Firefly – Der Aufbruch der Serenity und dem darauf basierenden Film Serenity – Flucht in neue Welten (2005) sowie als Dr. Jennifer Keller in Stargate Atlantis

May 28, 2020 - Explore bratac19's board "Jewel Staite", followed by 403 people on Pinterest. Feb 25, 2019 - Explore rikker1's board "Jewel Staite" on Pinterest. - Kaufen Sie Firefly - Der Aufbruch der Serenity: Die komplette Serie günstig ein. Jewel and Marana talks about the crazy things they did to stay awake during Firefly shooting - Duration: 3:46.

Jan 7, 2020 - Explore sjryan3d's board "JEWEL STAITE", followed by 234 people on Pinterest. Started out modeling, was recommened to act at age 6.

Jewel Staite, Actress: Firefly. Jetzt hier informieren! Capt. See more ideas about Jewel staite, Firefly serenity, Celebrities female. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. Spent first three years of life in Maui.

Even funnier, she pulls down his tank top to look at his new tattoo - the word "Serenity" - … Pilot, Hoban "Wash" Washburne(Alan Tudyk-I Robot) his wife Zoe(Gina Torres-Suits), engineer Kaylee Frye(Jewel Staite) & all round tough guy Jayne Cobb(Adam Baldwin-Full Metal Jacket). Born in White Rock, BC, Canada. Jewel Staite als Kaywinnit Lee „Kaylee“ Frye: Sie ist Mechanikerin der Serenity und besitzt eine intuitive, emotionale Beziehung zu ihrem Schiff. See more ideas about Jewel staite, Firefly serenity, Celebrities female. Serenity (2005) Jewel Staite as Kaylee. Jewel Staite during "Serenity" Los Angeles Premiere at Universal City Cinemas in Universal City, California, United States. Ist "Firefly – Aufbruch der Serenity" einer der besten Serien von Jewel Staite? Außerdem wirkt sich ihre sprühende Lebensfreude positiv auf die anderen Besatzungsmitglieder aus. Oct 16, 2019 - Explore billybuk44's board "Jewel Staite", followed by 178 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Jewel staite, Firefly serenity and Actresses. Sean Maher als Dr. Simon Tam: Simon ist Rivers älterer Bruder. Won best actor in "Meeting Dad", a Vancouver Film School short.

She began working as a model as a young child, and has been acting since the age of 6. Sie handelt von den Erlebnissen der Besatzung des kleinen, unabhängigen Transport-Raumschiffs Serenity (engl. Entdecke die besten Serien von Jewel Staite. See more ideas about Jewel staite, Firefly serenity and Actresses.

Along with his motley crew. Firefly – Der Aufbruch der Serenity, Originaltitel Firefly („Glühwürmchen“), ist eine US-Fernsehserie von Joss Whedon, die 2002 und 2003 auf dem US-Fernsehsender Fox ausgestrahlt wurde. See more ideas about Jewel staite, Firefly serenity and Celebrities. Erstklassige Nachrichtenbilder in hoher Auflösung bei Getty Images Jewel Staite - Alle Bilder, Filme, TV Serien und Fakten finden Sie hier zum Star auf TV Spielfilm. Stay safe and healthy.

See more ideas about Jewel staite, Firefly serenity, Celebrities female. Jewel Staite. Jan 7, 2020 - Explore sjryan3d's board "JEWEL STAITE", followed by 232 people on Pinterest. 16 May 2019 - Explore lokie999's board "Jewel Staite", which is followed by 838 people on Pinterest.

Jewel Belair Staite (born June 2, 1982 in White Rock, British Columbia) is the Canadian actress who plays Serenity's mechanic, Kaylee Frye.

See more ideas about Jewel staite, Firefly serenity and Celebrities. May 28, 2020 - Explore bratac19's board "Jewel Staite", followed by 406 people on Pinterest. Dr. Simon Tam : Safeword.

Just watching Sunday night's Season 3 premiere of AMC's "The Killing", and one of the characters (Holder, a detective) seems to have a new girlfriend - Jewel Staite! Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. She attended the Vancouver Film School and worked at … See more ideas about Jewel staite, Firefly serenity, Celebrities female. Jewel Staite talks about small downtime parties during Firefly. Apr 14, 2020 - Explore tjsdad98's board "Jewel staite" on Pinterest.