Abschluss: Master of Science.

Admissions. The Master of Advanced Studies in Intercultural Communication (MIC) is a part-time postgraduate program for professionals engaged in managing operational or strategic situations in a multicultural context and in managing multicultural human resources. Das gesamte Studienprogramm wird auf Englisch angeboten – nah dran an der Realität, die Dich in den Unternehmen erwartet. Our staff members have an extensive international network and cooperate with researchers across the world. This course is a three-semester master´s degree programme. Fuller’s Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies (MAICS) applies insights from the study of mission to real-world ministry concerns.
Master’s and doctorates in cross-cultural psychology are available. Depending on your major field of study, you can prepare yourself for a job in business psychology in the areas of human resources & organization, market & consumption, or economics. Enrolling for a masters program in intercultural studies seeks to help a student understand the differences among people, the cause of misconceptions among people, the stereotypes that have been created by people over generations and the best way to deal with these issues in the society.

The new program Master in Intercultural Relations and Migration Studies will be offered at Sigmund Freud University Berlin starting in the academic year 2016/17. Beyond your studies, you will develop a work ethos built upon self-reflection, self-improvement, and lifelong learning. The M.A. Master’s degree programs normally take two years, and doctorate programs another two years on top of that, plus usually a one-year internship. The Master's Program in Intercultural Psychology is special in that it is a unique multidisciplinary degree program in Germany that integrates different basic and applied subjects, thereby enabling a high degree of specialization.

The Intercultural Communication Master’s programme teaches you how to approach and fascilitate linguistic and cultural diversity in various international contexts.The interdisciplinary and multilingual programme will equip you with the tools to apply theory to international practice. Master’s degree programs normally take two years, and doctorate programs another two years on top of that, plus usually a one-year internship. Infos zum Masterstudium "Intercultural Business Psychology" an der Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt, HSHL, eine Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, HAW, in Nordrhein-Westfalen, NRW. The Master of Science degree in "Intercultural Business Psychology" prepares you for a career in international companies or research institutes. The Cultural Psychology master’s programme has a strong international orientation. in Intercultural Studies prepares you for life, work, and ministry in an ever-changing, culturally diverse world. This flexible and rigorous degree grants access to our school's 50-year legacy of groundbreaking scholarship, offering opportunities for deeper reflection to both seasoned and newer cross-cultural professionals. Marktorientierte Lehre inkl. The program Master in Intercultural Education will no longer be offered at FU Berlin.

The Psychology Board of Admissions determines whether the gap between a candidate’s previous education and the master’s degree specialisation can be bridged by a programme worth a maximum of 60 EC (‘EC’ indicates a credit; this is the abbreviation for ‘European credit’, and one EC represents a study load of 28 hours). The same may be said of Master's Degree programs, but because there are many more of the latter than there are of the former, it is somewhat (but still marginally) more likely that Master's Degree programs offering degrees in cross-cultural psychology can be found. Master’s and doctorates in cross-cultural psychology are available. The Intercultural Communication Master’s programme teaches you how to approach and fascilitate linguistic and cultural diversity in various international contexts.The interdisciplinary and multilingual programme will equip you with the tools to apply theory to international practice. Master Intercultural Psychology Designation of academic program: Specialized Master Psychology with the main focus: Intercultural Psychology Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) Most jobs in cross-cultural research require at least a master’s degree, and the best jobs require a doctoral degree. 1) If the number of applicants meeting the requirements exceed the number of possible admissions, the admissions are allotted according to the results of the university’s own selection procedure. It is developed in two academic courses (120 ECTS) and has an academic-professional orientation.