Authorship Guidelines INTRODUCTION Authorship is an explicit way of assigning responsibility and giving credit for intellectual work. The two are linked. Co-authoring. Authorship practices should be judged by how honestly they reflect actual contributions to the final product. Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania (1999) Co-authorship between Faculty and Graduate Student in Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania.
The guidelines and definitions of authorship provided by various professional organizations offer general conceptualizations and provisions for researchers. Accurate and honest reporting of research methodologies and results are the basic to all scientific publications.
Our new white paper explores the experiences of co-authorship by researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS).. Co-authorship, when two or more researchers collaborate on a published academic article, is normal in the Sciences and Medicine but has not been considered very common in HSS. Authorship should be based on the contribution provided by each author who has made a significant scientific contribution to a study. (1) Given the guidelines above, the editors hoped that the authors might reach an agreement among themselves as to the appropriateness of co-authorship for Drs A and B.
Authorship. An author is considered anyone involved with initial research design, data collection and analysis, manuscript drafting, or final approval. 13k Accesses. Authorship policies. AUTHORSHIP GUIDELINES Authorship is important to the reputation, professional advancement, and financial support of individuals, and to the reputation of Dartmouth College. They draw heavily on the guidelines developed by Sally Macintyre at the MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (which in turn draw on those produced by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and the guidelines for co-authorship between faculty and graduate students developed by the Department of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania in 1999. Gift authorship means that a person is listed as (co-)author, even if the person does not meet the above requirements for authorship. The two are linked. General Principles of Authorship 1. Recommended Guidelines for Authorship on ManuscriptsPersonnel in core facilities provide essential services for their users and it is important to recognize their contributions to the scientific advancement of the projects. These recommendations are based on a note written by Professor Bart Koelmans and have been approved by Wageningen Graduate Schools. ASM journals follow the criteria for authorship as outlined in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. The following guidelines are offered to help authors be aware of their responsibilities. Guidelines for (co-)authorship vary among disciplines. Metrics details. 2. British Sociological Association (1996) BSA guidelines for postgraduate research in sociology. The authors were given a deadline of two weeks to resolve their disagreement on their own, and to inform the journal of the agreement reached. Guidelines for (co-)authorship vary among disciplines.
Credit of authorship has important academic, social and financial implications and is bound by guidelines, which aid in preserving transparency during writing and publication of research material so as to prevent violation of ethics. Such an agreement would be the best option for resolution. As such, they may not offer comprehensive or unambiguous definitions (Fine & Kurdek, 1993), and collaborators must Keep a written record of your decisions. Authorship Guidelines Faculty of Medicine, Harvard University INTRODUCTION Authorship is an explicit way of assigning responsibility and giving credit for intellectual work. 12, 14, 15 Guest authorship. A range of inappropriate types of authorship have been described, including guest authorship, honorary or gift authorship, and ghost authorship. The type of recognition that is most appropriate may be different for individual projects, depending on the contribution that core facility personnel provides. Co-authorship in the Humanities and Social Sciences A global view. These phenomena may generally be considered to be contrary to Good Scientific Practice, see also DCSD’s Guidelines on publication matters (2009), p.35. Authorship and co-authorship All persons designated as authors must meet the criteria for authorship detailed in the following statement: We [or substitute "I"] certify that we have participated substantially in the conception and design of this work and the analysis of the data [when applicable] as well as the writing of the manuscript. Ethics / Ethical Guidelines.
How to handle authorship disputes:a guide for new researchers Tim Albert,trainer in medical writing, Elizabeth Wager,freelance writer and trainer …