Die Testfahrer und Testingenieure von MOTORRAD haben die BMW R 1100 R ausführlich getestet. I did 115,000 miles on one of them.

I walked into BMW of Denver this morning thinking about a used R1200RT they had advertised and I noticed perfectly mantained 1999 Black R1100RT. One of these was the R1100S, which we published a quick test about last year after the press intro and the other is the R1100R, which we had not yet ridden to date. Blast to ride and really comfortable. The bike … I think of all the BM’s I’ve owned the R1100RT is by far the best. I have had many BMW’s R1100RS, R1100RT’s (several) R1150RT’s R1100R, R1150GS, K1200LT R1200RT etc etc etc. )-Good seat height, adjustable.-Fuel-injected-Easy to add heated grips ~$200 on ebay), BMW hard bags ($225 from -ibmwr), and windshield ($60 new ebay Cee Bailey)-Center and side stands are standard.-Fine performer. I fitted an early M93 gearbox as the input shaft rotates at a higher speed, making the bike so much more fun. ich hab selber meine R1100R mit 98.000 scheckheft gepflegt für 3500 gekauft, und sah aus wie aus dem Laden. BMW R 1100 R im Test bei MOTORRAD. I think of all the BM’s I’ve owned the R1100RT is by far the best. BMW R1150R long term test: Smooth gear-changes and more noise.

Die moderne Interpretation eines Sporttourers mit breitem Einsatzbereich. I looked under the seats (perfectly clean), it has a full BMW … BMW R1100S - Track tool or Sports tourer? Sie wird von einem öl-luftgekühlten Zweizylinder-Viertakt-Boxermot or angetrieben und überzeugt durch ideale Straßenlage und gutes Handling bei angenehmer Sitzposition. Vorteile: gutes Handling, niedriger Preis, Bremsen, Kardanantrieb, Einschlüssel-Schließsystem, günstiger Verbrauch, trotz hohem Gewicht sehr wendig, sehr guter Sitzkomfort auf langen Touren Nachteile: Inspektionen sind teuer Ich fahre die R 1100 R mit ABS,Kat,Heizgriffen und BMW … BMW R1150R long term test: Smooth gear-changes and more noise. BMW R1100RT PIAA lights BMW R850R Honda VFR750F Honda Shadow VLX VW Bug VW Cabriolet Golf, Jetta, NB Wrangler and F-250 Kawasaki KLR650 BMW 2002 Abby's Down Home laudeman.com … Road Test by Adrian Percival. Most of the 300-mile round trip was on motorways and the BMW kept up a … I fitted an early M93 gearbox as the input shaft rotates at a higher speed, making the bike so much more fun. Das Handling ist somit unproblematisch. It was perfect. This seems to be the case with BMW, from whom we will have got five bikes within the time period of a couple of months. 09:08 Unknown No comments. The RS shares the same "frameless" construction as the R1100R (previously reviewed in Motorcycle Online), with an … Volle Breitseite. Gazing at the beemer, I tried to reconcile those great features -- torquey and smooth twin-cylinder boxer engine, antilock brakes, fuel injection, adjustable seat -- with its godawful ugly looks. It really depends on why you want a BMW motorcycle.. for me I wanted a dead reliable machine that can cruise all day at 80+mph in comfort and take off all the luggage it can still do some spirited riding. Aside from my budget restraints, the only criteria was my next motorcycle weigh no more than 500 pounds. COVID-19 Update: Important Message Effective June 8, 2020 » Menu Road Test: 1995 BMW R1100RS, Motorcycle.com review, photos and videos of the 1995 BMW Sportbikes and Standard. Didn't see many videos featuring this bike (especially not from Canada) so I thought I would upload.