394 likes. Here you will find information on studies, fees and transfer of credits. Undergraduate Courses; Postgraduate Courses / Master's programmes; Making correct applications with foreign certificates (bachelor’s degree/state examination) During Studies; Exchange Studies at the University of Kassel. Studying in Kassel. Wir sind die Unabhängige Linke Liste an der Uni Kassel, wir stehen für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Emanzipation und faire Studienbedingungen. The master’s degree course in Global Political Economy and Development aims to help students develop a critical understanding of the numerous theoretical approaches and practical issues as well as the wide spectrum of institutions, players and processes in the Global Political Economy. All our programmes are accredited accordingly. The University of Kassel (German: Universität Kassel) is a university founded in 1971 located in Kassel, Hessen, in Germany. Coming to Kassel. Internet Uni Kassel Printmedien o.a. As of October 2013 it had about 23,000 students and more than 2,600 staff, including 307 professors. Das Klinikum Kassel ist mit 32 Fachkliniken und Instituten das größte kommunale Krankenhaus der Maximalversorgung in Hessen und das Kompetenzzentrum für die medizinische Versorgung der Region. (kostenpflichtig) Kostenstelle bei Printmedien: Stellen Drittmittel (Projekt-)Kostenstelle: 5 5245 32 Geldgeber: DFG III C 14 Frau Wohlgemuth 1300 Dr. Ellen Hoffmann, Tel. International summer universities, intensive German language courses and orientation programmes for international students and students come from over 115 countries. Thank you , We have sent the information material to the following email address: . Jedes Jahr versorgt das Klinikum Kassel rund 55.000 Patientinnen und Patienten stationär und mehr als 140.000 ambulant. Find out more about our awards. LiLi - Unabhängige Linke Liste Kassel, Kassel. Klinikum Kassel - Mönchebergstraße 41-43, 34125 Kassel, Germany - Rated 3.3 based on 204 Reviews "Eigentlich sollte es -10 Sterne geben! The course also seeks to enable students to apply this knowledge in practice. The IUBH University of Applied Sciences is state-recognised. : 1251, E-Mail: ellen.hoffmannx@uni- kassel.de Wiss.