The EPA and the United Nations recently released reports stating that global carbon emissions must be drastically reduced if we are to avoid the worst effects of global warming. 20 Million Trees Competitive Grants Round Three. But what about 20 million? Help Plant 20 Million Trees In The US We are at an impasse. Yes, we can do that, and for carbon reduction, every contribution matters. Scaling that up, if we were to plant 20 million trees as Team Trees intends, for the first 10 years, or up until 2030, 130,000 tons of carbon would be absorbed every year by all of the trees combined. YouTuber MrBeast's tree-planting campaign reached its goal of raising $20 million. Celebrate Black Walnut Trees $20.00. As of December 29, 2019, the project has raised over 20.8 million US dollars, surpassing the fundraiser’s goal to plant 20 million trees. The 20 Million Trees Program is part of the national stream of the National Landcare Program, and has four strategic objectives: 20 million trees – 20 million trees and associated understorey planted by 2020. #TeamTrees is planting 20 million trees in order to 1) be part of the solution, 2) send a strong signal that this massive community cares about the planet we all call home, and 3) show that planting trees is a simple solution that everyone can get behind. What is the 20 Million Trees Programme? Why trees? Join us today and help fight for trees! That’s the aim of the #TeamTrees project —to plant 20 million new trees. This Round was the third, and final, competitive grant round of the 20 Million Trees Program. Planting trees is one of the the best ways to fight climate change. That’s the aim of the #TeamTrees project —to plant 20 million new trees. It is estimated that 20 million trees would take up 180 km2 (69 sq mi) of land, absorb around 1.6 million tons of carbon and remove 116 thousand tons of chemical air pollution from the atmosphere. YouTube star MrBeast wanted to do something big to celebrate reaching 20 million subscribers, so his fans challenged him to plant 20 million trees. It is said a trillion trees planted would have a major effect, but other knowledgeable scientists say that isn't enough. 8 Billion Trees protects trees and animals around the world as well as replanting trees in deforested areas. Grant funding of $4 million was approved for 52 projects. The Australian Government will work with the community to plant 20 million trees by 2020, to re-establish green corridors and urban forests. 20 million trees will be planted by 2020 to deliver real environmental benefits at the local level. Round Three will deliver 1,220,851 million native trees towards the 20 million trees target.