The world is your canvas and the ground itself … Press J to jump to the feed. in Terraria 1.4 Journey. Go to the corruption and use the Worm Food. You can use Worm Food in the Corrupt to summon and fight the Eater of Worlds. The Baby Eater pet will not teleport to the player when it is far away, unlike most other followers. v1.2 Added to the game.

The Eater of Worlds(EoW) is the most essential boss for new players to defeat. Now that Journey's End has been released, people are struggling to beat the Eater of Worlds in Master Mode. Eater of Worlds - to kolejny pre-Hardmode'owy boss. Killing 1.

O Eater of Worlds (em pt: Devorador de Mundos) é um monstro chefe convocado usando Worm Food em The Corruption (A corrupção que é plantada manualmente só conta se tiver pelo menos 300 Ebonstones. ausgegeben, was ein Kennzeichen dafür ist, dass der Weltenfresser geweckt wurde.

The Fight [edit | edit source] Eater of Worlds is a huge multi-segmented worm, and thus, its parts tend to linger for a while. 4. Terraria - Eater of Worlds - Terraria Early Game Guide Shuriken vs Eater of Worlds Boss Terraria HERO. 2. Advertisement (Log in to hide). Für gewöhnlich wird beim Zerstören eben dieser die Nachricht "The Eater of the Worlds has awoken." As of the Eater of Worlds must be defeated for Meteorites to spawn in the world. The Eater of Worlds can be summoned two ways (Note: for both of these, you have to be in the The Corruption) 1. 3. Top Contributors: Stephen, tamago_sensei, Terrell Wicker + more. I'll show you how to easily kill the Eater of Worlds!

Można go wezwać na 2 sposoby: przez zniszczenie 3 shadow orb (fioletowe kule znajdujące się w Underground Corruption w dziurach obiętych Ebonstone) albo przez użycie Worm Food. Terraria Wiki Guide. Vile Spits can deal over 100 damage and kill your character very fast. She also launches 15 Gel per attack in her second phase, as opposed to 10. View all King Slime Eye of Cthulhu Skeletron Eater of Worlds Brain of Cthulhu Queen Bee Wall of Flesh Queen Slime The Destroyer The Twins Skeletron Prime Plantera Empress of Light Golem Duke Fishron Goblin Invasion Pirate Invasion Martian Madness - Terraria 1.4 Guide - Duration: 12:00. The Eater of Worlds Mask is a Vanity Item obtained by killing the Eater Of Worlds. Full-game Leaderboard Level Leaderboard . Terraria Terraria series. Można go wezwać na 2 sposoby: przez zniszczenie 3 shadow orb (fioletowe kule znajdujące się w Underground Corruption w dziurach obiętych Ebonstone) albo przez użycie Worm Food. However, unlike other worms, every individual segment has its own health. It appears to be one of the eyes of the boss, mounted on a wooden plaque. Eater of Worlds help. View all King Slime Eye of Cthulhu Skeletron Eater of Worlds Brain of Cthulhu Queen Bee Wall of Flesh Queen Slime The Destroyer The Twins Skeletron Prime Plantera Empress of Light Golem Duke Fishron Goblin Invasion Pirate Invasion Martian Madness I'll show you how to easily kill the Eater of Worlds! PC. 2011. This is key to safety when facing Eater of Worlds in Expert or Master mode. To get the special bee world you have to make a new world in terraria … The Eater of Worlds and Wall of Flesh each receive small defense bonuses. Behavior. It can be placed on a wall similar to a painting. Close • Posted by 1 minute ago. Now that Journey's End has been released, people are struggling to beat the Eater of Worlds in Master Mode. How to Get Special Bee World Seed? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. v1.2.3 Added to the game. )e pode ser convocado quando você quebrar 3 Shadow Orbs.Se você tenta convocar outro Devorador enquanto você luta contra um, resultará em morte imediata. The Eater of Worlds is not a single target, but a string of segments (one head, numerous bodies, and one tail) with individual life counters. Można z nim walczyć jedynie na terenie objętym zepsuciem ( The corruption ). Make sure you have either swords that swing over your head with good size or guns that fire rapid and/or piercing bullets. The Eater of Worlds uses the same AI as all of the other monsters in the Worms Family. The Eater of Worlds is a Pre-Hardmode Corruption-themed worm boss. It has therefore come to be referred to by the Terraria community as "Drunk World." Terraria Terraria series. 12:00. 2011.