Wenn ich es mit anderen Apps versuche (Z.B. Galaxy A5. Die Samsung Smart View App ermöglicht es Ihnen, sowohl Inhalte, die auf Ihrem Handy und PC gespeichert sind, mühelos auf Ihrem Samsung Smart TV wiederzugeben, als auch das TV-Gerät mit Ihrem Handy zu bedienen. If you're using a more recent version of Android, you can connect using screen mirroring, Smartview or SmartThings instead. If you're using a more recent version of Android, you can connect using screen mirroring, Smartview or SmartThings instead. Quick Connect can display content such as images, videos and audio on your … Connect Galaxy A5 to TV. Quick Connect is a screen mirroring feature on Samsung devices that are using the Android Marshmallow operating system and below. Browse across your favorite live TV and streaming apps more. Find out how to check what version of Android you're using. Smart view nasıl bağlanır. Quick Connect is a screen mirroring feature on Samsung devices that are using the Android Marshmallow operating system and below. Find out how to check what version of Android you're using. The Samsung Smart View app lets you enjoy content stored on your mobile and PC easily on your Samsung Smart TV, as well as letting you control the TV with your mobile. Discover and launch your movies, shows, sports, music or games directly from your phone without interrupting your viewing experience on the TV. Solutions & Tips, Download Manual, Contact Us. Mit der App kann ich zwar den Fernseher steuern, die Funktion Smart View / Screen Mirroring wird aber nicht angeboten. With the all-new Samsung Smart View app, you can enjoy your personalized Smart Hub experience on your smartphone or tablet with all the benefits of touch. Samsung Smart View. Purchase a Samsung Allshare Hub and connect the Allshare Hub to your TV via a standard HDMI cable. Dear Samsung Smart View app users, Thank you for using Samsung Smart View app.
I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 and a Sony Bravia TV. Find more about 'How do I turn off auto rotate on my Galaxy A5 2017 (SM-A520W)?' Hallo, meinen neuen UE65NU7179 habe ich über die App Smart Things mit meinem Galaxy A5 (2016) verbunden. Her marka android cihazınızda kullanabilirsiniz. with Samsung Support. Dear Samsung Smart View app users, Thank you for using Samsung Smart View app. ... Samsung Health on Smart TV Connected Living Shop All TVs ... VIEW ALL EVENTS. Visit the Samsung Experience Store Palo Alto - discover the newest Samsung technology, including phones, tablets, computers and more! Samsung Smart View ermöglicht es dir, ausgewählte Galaxy Smartphones und Tablets beispielsweise als zweiten TV-Bildschirm zu nutzen, Inhalte des Mobilgeräts auf dem Fernseher wiederzugeben oder umgekehrt. If you use a Samsung SmartTV, you do not need to purchase the Allshare Hub.