Any other activities that threaten/compromise the integrity of the research/publication process are potential misconducts. It is also advised that authors read the relevant journal's individual policy and submission guidelines prior to submitting their manuscripts. Editorial policy Updating. Nature Research Group Community Policy. Authors will need to identify the Nature Research journal that they wish to submit their manuscript to. From the publishers of Nature, the BioPharma Dealmakers website brings together life sciences companies and individuals looking to identify and attract partners and dealmaking opportunities. Please read Nature's material and data access policy regarding structures prior to submission. Misconduct constitutes violation of this editorial policy, journal policies, publication ethics, or any applicable guidelines/policies specified by COPE, WAME, ICMJE, and STM. I asked Nature a half dozen questions about their editorial process. Topics in UpToDate are revised whenever important new information is published, not according to any specific time schedule. Parran …
UpToDate is updated daily following a continual comprehensive review of peer-reviewed journals, clinical databases and other resources (see the Evidence section for a detailed list). Editorial Policy Overview Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies (JCAS) publishes research articles, case studies, literature reviews (book, web-based, multimedia), work-in-progress articles, and conference reports that emphasize unique intellectual and technological developments in the archival profession. While they declined to answer any direct questions about the STAP cell paper situation, I thank them for answering these questions via a Nature spokesperson. T he scientific journal Nature has endorsed the March for Science, scheduled to take place on April 22 in support of the importance of science in policy-making.. Authors will need to identify the Nature Research journal that they wish to submit their manuscript to. Our editorial and publishing staff within the research division of Springer Nature are committed to supporting researchers through advancing discovery and communicating science. The end result is an intriguing glimpse inside the editorial/review process at Nature… In addition to Sims, Nature’s editorial also takes up the case of Thomas Parran Jr., for whom a hall is named at the University of Pittsburgh. ... of very complex cases and when the concerns may have a significant and immediate impact on public health or public policy. It is also advised that authors read the relevant journal's individual policy and submission guidelines prior to submitting their manuscripts. Springer Nature publishing and editorial policies.
The more detail you add to your profile, the more connected you'll be to your fellow Editorial Board Members. ... peer reviewers and editorial board members. In a …
Thus does nature once again remind us who’s boss. Register to BioPharma Dealmakers. Our publishing and editorial policies have been developed in consultation with the research communities that we serve, including authors and librarians, and are rooted in our belief that scholarly communication is aided by greater transparency of the processes by which we operate. In May 2013, Nature journals announced a change in editorial policy which required authors of submissions in the life sciences to complete a checklist, during manuscript revision, indicating whether or not they had taken certain measures which might reduce the risk of bias and to report key experimental 1) Complete your profile. Editorial General Guidelines .
The Website is designed to bring together life sciences companies and individuals looking to identify and attract partners and dealmaking opportunities. This journal follows strict double blind fold review policy to ensure neutral evaluation. Editorial Process. As a Scientific Reports Editorial Site participant: . The barnstorming coronavirus humbles humans: We only think we’re in charge ... the editorial page editor and the publisher. Develop your scientific writing and peer review skills with online courses and workshops, led by Nature Research journal editors and expert trainers Editorial Policy 1) Ensure your posts and videos are relevant to the BioPharma Dealmakers topic. Where can I find editorial policy guidelines for authors? Depending on the nature of the research project we may seek ethical approval and may need to contact you for consent to participate.
Nature Conferences has made specific commitments, which you can read here. Editorial policy guidelines for authors Modified on: Fri, 5 Jun, 2020 at 7:41 PM. Modified on: Wed, 29 Jan, 2020 at 12:44 AM.