Days Gone is developed by Sony Bend Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. You can choose any difficulty to play the ng+ on.

Game Difficulty Cannot Be Changed Mid Game DAYS GONE - New Game Plus Gameplay Part 12 - Duration: 50:30. Without divulging spoilers, it seems that the extra effort is worth it. New; 50:30. r/DaysGone: The Days Gone subreddit. This is similar to 2015’s Arkham Knight, which also has its true ending hidden behind the player completing the game a 100%. 来週『Days Gone』にNew Game Plusモードが登場し、『Syphon Filter』の銃も追加されることに! 懐かしいPSタイトルのスキンや武器が登場か by Adam Bankhurst

In addition to NG+, the update also adds new difficulty levels and trophies. There are no differences other than the carry overs for ng+. No New Game Plus. THe New game + is only available if you bought the extension and when you start a new game you can choose between actual new game and new game + NG+ was the last of the 16 free DLCs that everyone who has a copy of the game is entitled to. I think Hard II and Survival II was added with the ng+ patch, so you can try one of those if you want, I don't know what the diffrences with those are though. Completed Days Gone, For Those Wondering There Are End-Game Related Story Missions With A True Ending and No New Game Plus from DaysGone. Each week beginning in June, a new Bike, Horde, or Combat challenge will be deployed to test players even further. These challenges take key gameplay features of Days Gone, and twists them in unique ways to earn additional items and rewards. We’ll give you more information on the specific challenges down the road. デイズゴーンのnew game+の攻略ガイド。 無料アップデートで配信されたニューゲームプラスのモードについて解説してます。 Days Gone(デイズゴーン) 攻略 > Umm no. Charles Bust No views. Players are encouraged to complete all missions & side quests to gain 100% completion & unlock the true ending. It has been confirmed that Days Gone will not have replayable content via a New Game Plus option. Days Gone New Game Plus mode's coming next week so you can keep your sweet bike By Connor Sheridan 05 September 2019 Start playing New Game Plus and two extra difficulties on September 13 Let's Play Final Fantasy 7 Remake Episode 8 - … Bend Studio has launched the Days Gone New Game Plus mode in a new patch, Version 1.50.