15h26. Correspondence 02h02 min. Ob der Botschafter sich freut, künftig bei gewissen Verbindungen von Lausanne … Is a first or second-class ticket the best for your needs? BE AWARE – TGV Lyria PARIS <> ZURICH: 9203 and 9226 trains are running and tickets can be bought again on each of the following days: April 18, 19, 23, 24, 28 and 29. 2 speed available: 160 and 320 km / h < >

Since 2012, Lyria has become owner of the oars by going through an exterior and interior makeover. Die unten aufgeführten Züge können gebucht werden. TGV 2503. Il TGV n° 4411 di SNCF transita nei pressi di Rupperswil come TGV "Lyria" n° 9203 proveniente da Paris Gare de Lyon e diretto a Zürich HB. 11:04 N° TGV Lyria. Der TGV LYRIA 9203 fährt nach seinem kurzen (ID 1123530) Schweiz / TGV / Est (Lyria) Frankreich / TGV / Lyria | Rame 4401-4419; Frankreich / Bahnhöfe / Meroux, Belfort-Montbéliard TGV und L'ancienne Gare de Meroux; Frankreich / Strecken | Lignes / 014 000 LGV Rhin-Rhône | LN7; Der TGV LYRIA 9203 fährt nach seinem kurzen Halt in Belfort-Montbéliard TGV Richtung Zürich weiter. Tickets can not be exchanged or refunded. 10h03. Strasbourg. Opt … 12h28. Hi all, we are traveling from Paris to Zurich, direct, on TGV Lyria 9203. For TGV Lyria direct routes, you can travel with your e-ticket printed or downloaded in your OUI.sncf app.

Train timetables Paris-Zug. Check all the train timetables between Paris and Basel, with all the stops and changes needed for your route ! Ankunft: Lausanne. TGV Lyria, DB SNCF en coopération: 2 anschlussverbindungen Booking. 07h21. Nach den jüngsten Ankündigungen der französischen und schweizerischen Regierung über die Dekonfinierung wurde der TGV Lyria-Verkehr seit Montag, dem 11. Abfahrt: Lausanne. With a maximum speed of up to 320 km / h, the first train is running at this speed. Travel from Paris to Bern by train. Der TGV Lyria 9203 von Paris Gare de Lyon nach Zürich erreicht Belfort-Montbéliard TGV. 15. Ankunft: Paris. * From p rice including tax, for a one-way trip in standard class with TGV Lyria, from Paris and to a selection of Swiss stations and vice versa, within the limits of available seats accessible at this rate. Tips for choosing 1st or 2nd class. Abfahrt: Paris.

Check all the train timetables between Paris and Zug, ... TGV Lyria: 2 connections Booking. 09h38.

Tickets for all these trains are on sale on the SBB/SNCF sales channels. 21:37 Bahnhof Basel: Die Ankunft/Abfahrt der TGV Lyria-Züge erfolgt von einem Nebengleis. Trains are currently confirmed until 1 January (except 9203/9206). Paris to Bern makes for a fantastic trip into Europe, swapping croissants for chocolate and cheese for, well, more cheese! Tickets are on sale from 4 months prior to the departure date.

Number routes per day. Paris Est. 09h00. Mulhouse Ville. TGV Lyria tickets are open for booking 120 days ahead.
When a budget price is a priority, your best bet is to choose a non-flex second-class ticket for travelling TGV Lyria from Paris to Lausanne.If your focus is more around quiet working time, extra space and extra services for an even more convenient journey, a first-class ticket is your best option. Train timetables Paris-Basel. 9203 (1) 07:22: 10:26: 9213/33 (1) 12h22. 17:56. TGV 9561. We are selecting 1st class, and it is giving us the option for our seats. Der TGV Lyria Triebzug 4409 wirbt mit seinem Botschafter Stan Wawrinka für die Marke Lyria. Abfahrt: Paris. 08h10: 13h08: 04h58: TGV, TER: 2 connections Booking. TGV Lyria 9203. Paris Gare … Mai, wieder aufgenommen. 9277. Alle Tickets sind derzeit kostenlos umtauschbar und erstattungsfähig. It provided connections beyond Strasbourg to Germany and Switzerland. For journeys connected with the CFF network, you can request your ticket to be delivered to your home up to 15 days before departure or pick up your ticket at a self-service machine at the station or in a SNCF shop in France only. Get the lowest prices by booking early and don’t wait until the last minute as cheaper seats sell the fastest. … 06h40. The journey takes just four hours on the fastest services – where you’ll be travelling on a high-speed TGV Lyria train. 10h26. TGV stands for Train à Grande Vitesse or High Speed Train, running at up to 320 km/h (200mph). 9264 (3) 07:23. The TGV n. 4411 of SNCF is running near Rupperswil as TGV "Lyria" train n. 9203 from Paris Gare de Lyon to Zürich HB. Achtung: Bitte beachten Sie: Wir empfehlen Ihnen, mit den Ein- und Ausstiegszeiten … I am in the process of purchasing these tickets and have a question. Belfort-montbeliard Tgv. 09h38. Basel Sbb. Mulhouse Ville. 07h21. ... TGV Lyria 9203.