Sie können mehrere E-Mail-Adressen mit Komma getrennt eingeben. Namen des Vaters, Mutter, Kinder, Gebrüder & Geschwister. Wird Alexis Ohanian die Liebe finden in 2020? His father is an Armenian-American whose grandparents came to the US as refugees after the Armenian Genocide whereas his mother is a German citizen. Alexis Ohanian steps down from Reddit board to make room for a black candidate. Internet entrepreneur and investor, and also fame as the web sectional, such as runs several websites and also the top ranked sites, Alexis Ohanian, who is also the co-founder and co-owner of Reddit. Although Alexis is American as he was born in New York City, Alexis has Armenian and German blood in him. Who's Alexis Ohanian? Er ist ein cooler charmanter Promi.
Sicherheitsabfrage. Alexis Ohanian has resigned from the Reddit board. Ihre E-Mail wurde versendet Schließen.
Alexis Kerry Ohanian was Created in 1983 into a German mother and Armenian Dad in Brooklyn, New York.
This guy is also famous as the activist, investor and an author as well, who wrote several bestselling books as well. Few people outside of friends & family knew about the following at the time it was going on; bringing it up now, long after I've left reddit, feels less self-serving and will hopefully be instructive. From the University of Virginia, he did a B.S. Sie gilt als eine der größten Tennisspielerinnen aller Zeiten.
His father came to the US as a refugee. Although Alexis is American as he was born in New York City, Alexis has Armenian and German blood in him. Furthermore, he is birth sign is Virgo. Serena Williams und Alexis Ohanian sind eines der berühmtesten Paare der Welt. Bio: Net Worth,Mother,Parents,Wife,Baby,Wedding. Die 15 Heissesten Ehefrauen & Freundinnen Der Stars! He was at the top of his class when he graduated high school and delivered the student address during graduation day in 2001. His father Chris Ohanian is Armenian whereas his mother Anke Prigge Ohanian is of German descent. Mit einem Rekord von 23 Grand Slam-Einzeltiteln war der Sport-Superstar 2017 auch die bestbezahlte Sportlerin im zweiten Jahr in Folge. Alexis grew up in the US and went to Howard High School in Ellicott City, Maryland. He was at the top of his class when he graduated high school and delivered the student address during graduation day in 2001. Anke Ohanian (Mutter) Chris Ohanian (Vater) Größe, Gewicht, Körpermaße, Tattoos, Haut-, Haar- und Augenfarbe.
He took birth in Brooklyn, New York, USA and after a few years, his parents started sending him Howard High School. His mother Anke was German-born, and his father, Chris Ohanian, was born in Armenia.