I take about 10,000 daily, when I remember, which works out to 3 or 4 times a week. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. The deficiency of Vitamin D is also one of the causes of depression. Different Sources of Vitamin D if you decide to take vitamin D supplements to help treat your depression, you should probably take them in the form of vitamin D3. More and more research has shed light on the link between a lack of vitamin D and depression. if you decide to take vitamin D supplements to help treat your depression, you should probably take them in the form of vitamin D3. 3.3. An overview of the empirical studies examining for an association between vitamin D and depression is now presented, with results described separately for (1) cross-sectional studies, (2) longitudinal studies and … vitamin D is available thru the sun (the easiest and best source), food (the second-best source but available in relatively few foods), and dietary supplements. The “sunshine vitamin” also plays a role in mental health. Jg., Nr. vitamin d, vitamin d3, vitamins, vitamin d deficiency, prescription, blood test, d3, blood, diagnosis I have no idea what my blood test results were, I just received a phone call and told to pick up my prescription and start taking 20,000 IU, 500 mcg of Vitamin D3, 3 times per week for 3 months then get tested again. Im just sharing my thoughts an experience.I forgot where I read it, but I did read that some people with low levels of Vitamin D may feel fatigue and/or depression. Vitamin D activates those genes that help to release the neurotransmitters. A depressed mood may also be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. I decided to have my level tested. Thus, a deficiency of Vitamin D can affect the development of the brain as well the brain function. You can get vitamin D from sunlight. The British journal of psychiatry, 2013, 202. Anaglin, Rebecca ES, et al. Gloth 3rd, F. M., Waheed Alam, and Bruce Holis. vitamin D is available thru the sun (the easiest and best source), food (the second-best source but available in relatively few foods), and dietary supplements. My experience with vitamin D Hello everyone, I know that I am new, but I just wanted to share my experience with higher doses of vitamin D. It is pretty cheap here in Canada, and costco sells a 2 pack of 350 x 1000 iu for around $7.00. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Vitamin D vs broad spectrum phototherapy in … 2, S. 100-107. One meta-analysis found that people with depression have low vitamin D levels and people with low vitamin D have a much greater risk of depression. A 3-month study found that two single intramuscular injections of 150,000 or 300,000 IU vitamin D improved depression ratings in depressed adults with vitamin D deficiency. Thus far, the evidence for using vitamin D in depression is lacking, and recommendations for the use of vitamin D supplementation in depression are not yet justified. Im not writing this to share advice. Vitamin D affects your mental health as well.
My dad was saying that taking Vitamin D would help not only my depression but a lot of other problems I have, physically, (fatigue, no energy, blah, blah, blah). Studies examining for links between vitamin D levels and depression. In review studies, researchers have linked vitamin D deficiency to depression, particularly … The results may be different when there is an adequate number of studies. The current study is one of a number that have found an association between vitamin D status and symptoms of depression. It is the D3. The researchers also found that higher vitamin D levels were associated with a 67% lower risk of panic, compared to the lower levels. Vitamin D deficiency and depression in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis. I am not a medical professional in any way.
Michaela Rehle/Reuters Greenblatt added that it's important to remember that even if boosting levels of vitamin D can help treat depression, it's "only a small, but critical, part," but that, in his experience, low levels of vitamin D "impair and prolongs recovery from depression."