Auf der Saffir-Simpson Hurrikanskala war dies ein Kategorie 1 Hurrikan.
Für die Pazifikinseln wurde eine Wirbelsturmwarnung ausgesprochen. Egal, ob für das Reisewetter an Ihrem Urlaubsziel in Hawaii oder das Wetter vor Ihrer Haustüre, hier finden Sie ständig aktualisierte Wetterberichte und Wettervorhersagen für Hawaii. Central Pacific Hurricane Center 2525 Correa Rd Suite 250 Honolulu, HI 96822
[email protected] Damals kamen bei dem Unwetter sechs Menschen ums Leben. In 1795, two more stars and two stripes were added to reflect the entry of Vermont and Kentucky to the Union.
2019 - 2020 Hawaii Wet Season Summary and Dry Season Outlook; CPHC Issues its 2020 Seasonal Outlook Hurrikan Iwa traf auf die Inseln Niihau, Kauai und Oahu am 23. Voraussichtlich wird er die Inselgruppe aber nicht treffen und in den nächsten Stunden auch abschwächen. Hurricane Erick was the first tropical cyclone of the season in the Central Pacific, moving into the basin from the east on July 30.
NOAA Weather Radio. There are four WSR-88D weather radars in the state of Hawaii. Wetter Hawaii.
Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Kailua area. Hurricane season in the Central Pacific region (where Hawaii is located) runs from June 1 to November 30 (though these tropical cyclones can occur any time of the year). Get the Hawaii weather forecast. Zuletzt richtete Hurrikan Iniki 1992 schwere Schäden an. Der erste, Hurrikan ‚Iselle‘ hat bereits erste Vorboten in das Insel-Paradies geschickt. Please enable JavaScript to continue using this application. Dabei können Spitzenböen bis 250 Kilometer pro Stunde enorme Schäden anrichten.
Das US-Urlaubsparadies Hawaii wird gleich von zwei Hurrikanen bedroht. Get the latest weather news and forecasts from CNN's meteorologists, watch extreme weather videos, learn about climate change and follow major hurricanes with CNN's storm tracker. Hurricane Lane weakened as it chugged toward Hawaii on Thursday, but officials warned residents that the storm was still a significant rainmaker.
Hi/Low, RealFeel, precip, radar, & everything you need to be ready for the day, commute, and weekend! Hawaii sits in the Central Pacific Basin. Even if a hurricane isn’t currently threatening Hawaii, knowing what to do when that time comes could help keep you and your family safe. Erick rapidly intensified to a major hurricane (category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale) later that day, then steadily weakened as …
Der Hurrikan drohte auch den Terminkalender von US-Präsident Barack Obama durcheinanderzuwirbeln, der am World Conservation Congress der Weltnaturschutzunion (IUCN) auf Hawaii teilnehmen sollte.
November 1982. Our interactive map allows you to see the local & national weather Nach jetzigem Stand streift Hurrikan LANE ab morgen die Inselgruppe. Get your 3-Day weather forecast for Hilo, HI.
Kailua Weather Forecasts. The current version of the flag has been in effect since 1960, after Hawaii became a state the prior year. Hawaii wurde seit 1950 erst von drei Wirbelstürmen heimgesucht, wie die Zeitung "Honolulu Star Advertiser" am Donnerstag berichtete. These dopplar radars give the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Honolulu both reflectivity and velocity data about storms affecting the area. Station KBA99 Serving Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai and part of the Big Island on 162.550 & 162.400 MHz Hi/Low, RealFeel, precip, radar, & everything you need to be ready for the day, commute, and weekend!
El Niño years are typically more active in the central Pacific.
Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos from