Prices He also interpolates the nursery rhyme, “Hickory Dickory Dock.” Lil Uzi Vert ’s long-awaited Eternal Atake finally arrived after a nearly two-year waiting period.
50+ videos Play all Mix - [CLEAN] Lil Uzi Vert - Prices YouTube; Lil Uzi Vert - Venetia [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:10. LIL UZI VERT 3,623,456 views. Lil Uzi Vert Eternal Atake ℗ 2020 Atlantic Recording Corporation Masterer: Chris Athens Producer: Harold Harper Mixer, Recorded by: Kesha … Lil Uzi Vert has also collaborated with Migos on Bad and Boujee, which became Lil Uzi …
“Prices” features Uzi in a very braggadocios manner, claiming his money, fame, and overall “price” are going up. 3:10.