Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Section Clinical Psychology - PhD; Clinical psychology - PhD; Person: External company - Academic Staff. We all want to know what makes us and other people tick! 6229 ER Maastricht.
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Section Neuropsychology - Teacher; Neuropsychology - Teacher; Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff. Psychologie an der Maastricht University. Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Section Applied Social Psychology - Researcher Applied Social Psychology - Researcher Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, External company - …
Dauer: 1 Jahre Sprache: englisch Land: Niederlande.
Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience aux Pays-Bas, Maastricht. 11354 Citations 627 Article; 72 Chapter; 36 Doctoral Thesis; 12 Book; 35 More. Psychology at Maastricht University: study mental processes such as language and memory, and learn about the factors that influence human behaviour. Am 11. Maastricht University (abbreviated as UM; Dutch: Universiteit Maastricht) is a public university in Maastricht, Netherlands. Faculty of Psychology … View all 37 researchers Research Output 1998 2020. Prepares students for a career in biological or cognitive psychology with a focus on research skills. Januar 2008 wurde die Universität von Universiteit Maastricht in Maastricht University umbenannt, um den internationalen Charakter hervorzuheben.
Die Universität ist Mitglied im grenzüberschreitenden Hochschulverbund ALMA. Jeffrey Roelofs. English-language programme has six specialisations within two fields. Jasper van Aalst . GGZ-KNW -Med.
Joost à Campo. In 2018, 18,000 students studied at Maastricht University, 53% of whom were foreign students, with over 4,000 employees.
University rank #127 (WUR) Maastricht, Netherlands But the Psychology programme at Maastricht University is extra special. Netherlands. The database covers topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. The database covers topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. It is therefore not surprising that the science of psychology has received great interest from behavioral scientists and the general public alike. Recevoir toutes les informations sur l'école et ses Masters et MBA, et la contacter ici en 2 clics!
Pauline Aalten. 2013 2016. Founded in 1976, it is the second youngest of the thirteen Dutch universities. It is home to a European Centre of Excellence that combines state-of-the-art technology (three MRI scanners of 9.4, 7 and 3 Tesla) with clinical know-how, access to patients and expert post-acquisition processing of data. Charles Abraham. Faculty of Law, Criminal Law and Criminology - Endowed chair - Professor of practice; Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Section Forensic Psychology - Researcher; Maastricht Institute for Criminal Studies (MICS) Forensic Psychology - Researcher; Person: External company - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Psychology permeates our everyday lives.
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN): Die FPN bietet das Psychology Studium auf Englisch sowie auf Niederländisch an und beheimatet viele Internationale Studenten.
Maastricht University (UM) specialises in cognitive and biological psychology and its unique research infrastructure enables groundbreaking study of the brain and behaviour. 2018 2020. Psychology is all around us. Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Section Clinical Psychology - Associate Professor; Clinical psychology - Associate Professor; Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff. Staf-Spec. 2020 2020. Positive psychology is concerned with both making the lives of people fulfilling as with healing and preventing pathology. 2001 2020. At Maastricht University, you'll get to … Maastricht University; Universiteitssingel50, UNS50. Overview; Network; Researchers (438) Research Output (7022) Prizes (12) Activities (43) Press / Media (13) Profiles Bo Aben. We are all amateur psychologists. The Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection is a comprehensive database providing nearly 560 full-text publications. Neurochirurgie - Medical Specialist; Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee. Clinical psychology - Full professor - Key domain chair; MHeNs - Mental Health; Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff. Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML): Die Älteste Fakultät der Maastricht University, an der fast 2000 Studenten eingeschrieben sind und auch Medizin auf Englisch anbietet. 2009 2020. The Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection is a comprehensive database providing nearly 560 full text publications.
Especially focusing on building strengths (e.g., optimism, courage) instead of correcting weaknesses can protect against mental illnesses. Maastricht Institute for Criminal Studies (MICS) Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff. Marleen Rijkeboer.