Die New Holland Traktoren der Baureihe T5 mit Dynamic Command™- bzw. New Holland announced the extension of its popular T5 range with the addition of the Dynamic Command™ and AutoCommand™ transmission models. View 2019 New Holland T6.175 Dynamic Command Farm Tractor at 63450 GBP in United Kingdom | Agriaffaires Your experience on our website is our priority. Take a seat, relax and enjoy an immediate feeling of space, comfort and brightness, thanks to the 4 … Attendees of the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, Kentucky, and World Ag Expo in Tulare, California, had the first look at the new … New Holland hasn’t been sitting about since introducing the Stage IV version of the T6 two years ago (see profi 07/2016 for details). Sort. The New Holland T6 Dynamic Command™ tractor has been developed following extensive customer consultation and an intensive research, development and testing process. The groups are selected fully automatically. Setzen Sie sich, entspannen Sie sich und genießen Sie sofort großzügigen Platz, Komfort und Auto Command™ Getriebe verfügen jetzt über die Vorteile der branchenweit führenden Horizon™-Kabine und des komplett neuen Freisicht-Dachfensters Super High Visibility. NEU: T5 AUTO COMMAND Das BLAUE Fahrerlebnis. The New Holland T6 Tractor range has seven models which are the T6.125 S, T6.145, T6.155, T6.160, T6.165, T6.175 and T6.180. Sort by; Trade price excl. Extension de la garantie constructeur appliquée à la transmission de la gamme T6 Dynamic Command et ce pour une durée totale de 4 ans ou 4 000h (au premier des deux termes atteints). New Holland T6 Dynamic Command TM - Traktor des Jahres 2018 Der New Holland Traktor T6 Dynamic CommandTM gewinnt auf der Agritechnica 2017 die Auszeichnung "Maschine des Jahres 2018" in der Kategorie "Mittelklasse-Traktoren".und wurde von einer Fachjury zur "Maschine des Jahres" 2018 in der Kategorie "Mittelklassetraktor" gekürt. At low ground speeds, the responsive gearbox and its StartStop function eliminate clutching in loader work. Used New Holland t6-175 Farm Tractors For Sale . New Holland Agriculture has enriched the T6 Series offering with the new T6 Dynamic Command™, an all round multi-purpose tractor. For controlled shuttling, the power shuttle comes with a separate forward/reverse clutch. It has been designed for today’s modern mixed arable farmers and intensive livestock operations.
Les composants couverts sont la transmission (boite à vitesses) : carters, pignons et arbres. VAT ... New Holland T6.175 Dynamic Command. The powershuttle has a separate forward/reverse clutch for controlled shuttling also on steep slopes. 44 Classified ads . Die Traktoren der T5 Auto Command Serie verfügen über einen neuen 4.5 Liter FPT NEF Stage V Motor mit ECOBlue™ HI-eSCR2-Technik. 8. Photo credit: New Holland T5 AutoCommand features New Holland’s continuously variable transmission for more versatility and comfort and is designed for PTO applications. Nominated in the category Compact tractor New Holland T5 Dynamic Command ™ New Holland has expanded its T5 series tractor range by adding Dynamic Command models with eight-speed double-clutch transmissions (24/24). Among the bunch of more recent tweaks is the completely new double-clutch transmission — the three-range, eight-step powershift Dynamic Command that we briefly looked at in its CNH counterpart in our November issue.
Diese Modellbaureihe wurde nun um das renommierte stufenlose Auto Command™-Getriebe von New Holland erweitert, welches wesentlich zur Vielseitigkeit des T5 beiträgt. New Holland claims that its 24F 24R Dynamic Command transmission takes less power to operate, resulting in apparently “higher work-rates and lower fuel usage”. The compact size and tight turning circle of the T5 Dynamic Command make it ideal for livestock, dairy and mixed farming, particularly suited to loader and yard work. The Dynamic Command transmission is designed in-house and is built on a new dedicated production line in the company’s driveline plant in Modena, Italy. New Holland has expanded its T5 series tractor range by adding Dynamic Command models with eight-speed double-clutch transmissions (24/24). At the heart of the three-range, eight-step semi powershift box is a Dual Clutch concept, similar to that which operates the range-shifting function within the Auto Command transmission. Entretien obligatoire en concession New Holland selon les préconisations constructeur.
New Holland T6.175 Dynamic Command traktor ble kronet med tittelen "Machine of the Year" 2018 av et jurypanel bestående av journalister som representerer ledende europeiske landbruksmagasiner. The T5 Dynamic Command™ & Auto Command™ range now benefits from New Holland’s industry leading Horizon™ cab and all new Super High Visibility Roof Panel. Designed to offer even more gears in the most frequently used operating ranges, this will enable you to perfectly match the speed of your T6 to the task in hand. New Holland claims that its 24F 24R Dynamic Command transmission takes less power to operate, resulting in apparently “higher work-rates and lower fuel usage”. Perfect for field, loader and yard work, the New Holland T5 Dynamic Command™ range comes equipped with a light-speed, double-clutch, semi-powershift Dynamic Command transmission (24/24). These new T6.145, T6.155, T6.165 and T6.175 are the only models in this segment featuring a new 8-step semi powershift transmission on the market.