James has 6 jobs listed on their profile. It's all in the delivery I guess. Rodney Dangerfield at His Best on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1983) - Duration: 10:07. EDUCATION 1976 Bachelor of Business Administration degree, Memphis State University, Tenn. The series starred James Van Der Beek as Dawson Leery, Katie Holmes as his best friend and love interest Joey Potter, Joshua Jackson as their fellow best friend Pacey Witter, and Michelle Williams as Jen. I read a comment elsewhere about James Whitmore a while back and it was a lightbulb moment for me, I had to admit. I thought-- darn that IS true. James Whitmore (n.1 octombrie 1921, White Plains, New York - d. 6 februarie 2009, Malibu, California) a fost un actor american de film si TV. Whitmoreu, koji je prije glumačke karijere studirao pravo na Yaleu i bio član elitnog tajnog društva Skull and Bones, specijalnost su bile uloge likova od autoriteta. In addition to directing episodes of NCIS, Whitmore, Jr. has also directed episodes of its parent series, JAG as well as its spin-off series, NCIS: Los Angeles and NCIS: New Orleans. Oktober 1948 in Manhattan, New York City), besser bekannt als James Whitmore Jr., ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und seit den 1980er-Jahren aktiv als Fernsehregisseur.Am prominentesten als Schauspieler ist er für seine Rolle als Captain Jim Gutterman in der Fernsehserie Pazifikgeschwader 214.Er ist der Sohn des Schauspielers James Whitmore. James Whitmore (n.1 octombrie 1921, White Plains, New York - d. 6 februarie 2009, Malibu, California) a fost un actor american de film si TV. General Whitmore is a command pilot with more than 3,000 flying hours in the F-4 and F-16, including more than 190 combat hours in the F-16 supporting operations Desert Storm, Provide Comfort, Deny Flight and Northern Watch. The guy said Whitmore so closely resembled Spencer Tracy, they could have been brothers. James Allen Whitmore III (geb.24. James Allen Whitmore III (born October 24, 1948), better known as James Whitmore, Jr., is an American actor and also a television director who has also directed many episodes of NCIS..
View James Whitmore’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover James’ connections and jobs at similar companies.
Yet, I liked Spencer, go figure.
Rodney Dangerfield Recommended for yo James Allen Whitmore Jr. (1. oktobar 1921 – 6. februar 2009) je bio američki glumac, poznat prije svega po nastupima u teatru i na televiziji, za koje je primio nekoliko prestižnih nagrada.