
Ranch Story: Song of Happiness for World) was the third Harvest Moon game to be released for GameCube, but it was released in the PAL regions as a Wii game after the GameCube version was cancelled for unknown reason. 2005. Birthday: 20th of Spring.

Harvest Moon Magical Melody: Married Nina Harvest Moon SI: Married Shea and Vaughn Harvest Moon ToTT: Married Kana, Daughter: Freya . Nina; Heiratskandidaten; Heiraten; Kind; Feldfrüchte & Pflanzen (alt) Festivals (alt) Freischalten (alt) Tiere (alt) Werkzeuge (alt) Grundstücke (alt) Farmgebäude (alt) Inneneinrichtung (alt) Das Dorf (alt) Events (alt) Noten (alt) Minen (alt) Powerbeeren (alt) Fische (alt) Rezepte (alt) Tipps & Tricks (alt) Heiratskandidatinnen. The second Nina is an elderly woman, the wife of Galen . Eve.

Lyla. Harvest Moon: Magical Melody (牧場物語 しあわせの詩 for ワールド, Bokujō Monogatari: Shiawase no Uta for Wārudo, lit. Dia. Harvest Moon - Magical Melody Mädchen: Einführung, Die gute Ellen, Die gute Ann, Die gute Eve, Die gute Dia. BlueTrillium Post subject: Re: Fertilize trees? The Cheat have a rating 3 by 3 our users. This cheat for Harvest Moon: Magical Melody [Game Cube] has been posted at 20 May 2009 by fayor and is called "Nina". ... Notas Adicionais: Nina e sua mãe, Liz, apareceu pela primeira vez, no original Harvest Moon jogo para o Super Nintendo. Katie. Nina (ニーナ, Nīna) is a name for two recurring characters in the Harvest Moon series. Posts: 2522: You may be looking for Nina from Harvest Moon GBC or Nina, a character from Magical Melody. Harvest Moon - Magical Melody - Mädchen: Die gute Gwen, Die gute Gina, Die gute Lyla, Die gute Katie, Die gute Maria.
Gwen. If cheat is usable don't forgot thumbs up fayor and share this with your freinds. Nina (ニーナ, Niina ) is one of the eligible brides in Harvest Moon … Gina.

Harvest Moon Favorites by Chicken-Yuki.

Also 1 users added this cheat at them cheatbooks. Detonado - Harvest Moon Magical Melody - Wii Garotas. Featured in collections. Moderated by: G_heinz G_heinz, Madtaz64 Madtaz64, DezertPenguin8 DezertPenguin8, The00berNoober The00berNoober, D e m o D e m o, g r o t …


Happy Gifts: Eggplant, Sashimi, Moonstone, Moon Drop Flower, hot milk, green perfume Bad Gifts: Weeds, Toadstool, Soda Additional Notes: Maria first appeared in the original Harvest Moon game for the Super Nintendo. This is Nina from Harvest Moon: Magical Melody. The first Nina is a young woman, the daughter of Liz . The Starry Night Stocking from Nina If there is one question that I am asked more than any other in emails, it is how to obtain the stocking for the Starry Night Festival.

900x1400px 406.2 KB.
I haven't played the game in a long time, but I remembered she likes flowers~ Image size. GCN, Wii. Ann. Home/Shop: She lives with her mother at the flower shop. Leaderboard Guides Discord Streams Resources Forum Statistics Sub-games. Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Harvest Moon series. UNoT Extreme Mooomber. Harvest Moon: Nina.

harvest moon harvest moon magical melody harvest moon jamie for some reason i just want to draw harvest moon when i have art block? See More by PoppyCorn99.

Harvest Moon: Magical Melody hat die zentrale Aufgabe Noten zu sammeln, um die Erntegöttin aus ihrer Steingestalt zu befreien. 3 Harvest Moon - Magical Melody: Die gute Nina 3.1 Die gute Nina 3.2 Anns Lieblingsgeschenk Aus lauter Kummer und Zorn verwandelt sie sich selbst zu Stein und lässt die Erntewichtel zurück. Nina Family in town: Her mother, Liz.