LYRICS. If I could spend the rest of my life with my people I would do it over and over again Leave it up to them to fill up their steeple Leave it up to us to fill up on our friends. Insha Allah . ARTIST. "For the Rest of My Life" (also known as "4 the Rest of My Life") is a song by American R&B singer Robin Thicke from his sixth studio album Blurred Lines (2013). For the Rest of My Life. Bilthikr (feat. I am going anonymous for the reasons you will find in the answer below. / Cause years passed and we're still here today For the Rest of My Life Through days and nights I'll thank Allah for opening my eyes Now and forever I, I'll be there for you.


Let It Go. Amakhono We Sintu) Love Will Prevail. Rest of My Life ist die dritte Single des US-amerikanischen Rappers Ludacris aus seinem für 2013 angekündigten Album Ludaversal. Number One For Me. HAYATIMIN SONUNA KADAR SENİ SEVİYOR OLACAĞIM. Written and produced by Thicke and ProJay, the song was serviced to urban adult contemporary radio as the second single from Blurred Lines on … OVERVIEW. The Tommies Reunion. Top Songs By The Tommies Reunion. Posted Sep 13, 2009 » Search results for 'rest of my life' Yee yee! Lyrics to 'For The Rest Of My Life' by Trimountaine. I know it deep in my heart now that you're here In front of me I strongly feel love And I have no doubt And I'm singing loud that I'll love you eternally. Ramadan. For the rest of my life I'll be with you I'll stay by your side honest and true 'Til the end of my time I'll be loving you, loving you For the rest of my life Through days and nights I'll thank Allah for opening my eyes Now and forever I I'll be there for you I know it deep in my heart And now that you're here In front of me I strongly feel love For the rest of my life I'll be with you. YANINDA DOGRU VE DÜRÜST BİR SEKİLDE KALACAGIM 'til the end of my time I'll be loving you. SENİ SEVECEGİM . Peace Be Upon You. What Shall I Do with the Rest of My Life?

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I knew when I laid my eyes on you The lights from above seemed to shine on only you And you made me feel like I was flying When I made you sparkle in your eyes We ain't even 20 baby Hold My Hand.

Great Faith (Live) Great Faith (Live) The Tommies Reunion . Lyrics to 'For The Rest Of My Life' by Robin Thicke.