Every year at the beginning of May Hamburg celebrates the biggest harbor festival in the world. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Großveranstaltungen wie Festivals sind wegen der Corona-Pandemie bis mindestens zum 31.August grundsätzlich und in ganz Deutschland untersagt. Another day, another amazing event for charity. Discover now August 2020 untersagt. Le ministère de la Culture a créé lundi 6 avril une cellule d'accompagnement des festivals prévus en 2020, pour faire face à la crise du Covid-19. The Hamburger Dom is celebrated three times a year during spring, summer, and winter. It’s a celebration of the founding of the port back in 1189. Bitte informiere dich auch auf der offiziellen Homepage des jeweiligen Veranstalters sowie bei der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO oder dem Bundesministerium für Gesundheit zur aktuellen Lage. Germany music festivals are exceptional encompassing all music genre such as classical, jazz, pop, religious, etc. Television & Corporate Media Awards honour and celebrate excellent media solutions in all Television and Corporate related content.
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 - Mon, 25 May 2020 CANCELLED: Hamburg International Music Festival The city of Hamburg celebrates many events and festivals throughout the year. Instead, there will be a modified version of the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg in November 2020: From November 6 th to November 8 th we will present the 3 rd Hamburg Film-In. The street festival season is kicked off by the Osterstraßenfest that takes place at the end of April. with the well-known Mozartfest in late May, Thuringian Bach Weeks in April, Jazzfest Berlin in October, Bardentreffen Nurnberg a world music festival at the end of July, Klassik Open Air music festival at the end of July in Nurnberg, Museumsuferfest in Frankfurt at the end of August to name a few. The Millerntor Stadion is one of the most iconic football stadiums in Europe. Concerts in Hamburg. Safety regulations concerning the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic are still in effect. The home of the FC St. Pauli is not only a symbol for the eponymous, legendary district of Hamburg, but also a safe-haven for the creative scene. Important Notice for Events. 14.11.2020. Ticket sichern #lichthof_lab. Wir informieren Sie in unserem Kalender darüber, welche Veranstaltungen abgesagt oder verschoben wurden. Dies betrifft auch viele der großen Festivals in Hamburg. Culture, street festivals & concerts Events in Hamburg Whether it's art, music or theatre - experience the Hamburg you want to see. Experience the cultural diversity of Hamburg's cultural scene and the many events here and in the metropolitan region. #lichthof_lab.

Find tickets to all live music, concerts, tour dates and festivals in and around Hamburg. Tourism & Travel Media Awards. 30.06.2020. Filter op datum, genre, plaats en zie alle festivals overzichtelijk op een rijtje in de agenda.
Currently there are 1336 upcoming events.