Legen Sie hier Ihr Benutzerkonto an. As class representatives we are honored to represent students from 28 countries. Bucerius International, Hamburg, Germany. Stärken Sie Ihr Netzwerk durch den persönlichen Austausch mit unseren Experten und anderen Kursteilnehmern. 80% of Bucerius students taking the First German State Exam graduate with distinction – something only 24% of all law students in Germany achieve. Sie besitzen noch keinen Login? Germany. Cornell Law School may send up to two students each Fall semester to Bucerius. Bucerius Law School is the first private, non-profit law school in Germany. The "Hengeler Mueller" Library of the Bucerius Law School was founded in 2000 and is named after its sponsor, a famous law firm with offices in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Berlin, Brussels, and London.
We maintain a highly vibrant community of Alumnae and Alumni and foster to stay in touch with fellow graduates through a wide variety of professional and social events. 3.1K likes. During the 2019-20 academic year, zero Minnesota Law students participated in the semester exchange.
Located in Hamburg, Bucerius Law School is the first privately operated law school in Germany. {{'RESET_PASSWORD' | translate}} Located in Hamburg, admission to the school is highly competitive with an acceptance rate of less than 20%. 6. : +49 (0)40 3 07 06 - 226 Bucerius International, Hamburg, Germany.
Candidate at Columbia Law School, Fulbright Scholar Law Practice Education Columbia Law School 2015 — 2016 Master of Laws (LL.M. You don't have access to this record. The Center produces analyses on issues concerning … As class representatives we are honored to represent students from 28 countries.
Erleben Sie mit den Präsenzseminaren die einmalige Campus-Atmosphäre an der Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. To fill this knowledge gap, the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession (Bucerius CLP) develops multidisciplinary expertise and transmits management and leadership skills for lawyers. Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany At Bucerius Law School, Germany’s first private law school, there are about 750 students including more than 150 international students from almost 30 countries around the world. WEBINARE Mit den interaktiven Webinaren können Sie Ihre FAO-Fortbildung flexibel vom heimischen Schreibtisch aus durchführen. What you need to do next: Click on New Application. Along with 16 professorship libraries it assembles the information supply of our … The MLB Program at Bucerius Law School is the perfect fit with a combination of law and business.
Tel. Jungiusstr. This visionary institution consistently ranks among the top law schools in Germany educating the best … We are a charitable organisation and membership is open to all graduates of Bucerius Law School degree programs and participants of the International Exchange Program. LOCATION. 3.1K likes. Hochschule für Rechtswissenschaft gGmbH. The MLB Program at Bucerius Law School is the perfect fit with a combination of law and business. The Library is the center of legal information in form of printed media and electronic resources, supported by library staff services. Der Bucerius Master of Law and Business (LLM/MLB) ist ein weiterbildender Masterstudiengang, der von 2006 bis Herbst 2014 – und wieder seit Dezember 2019 in gemeinsamer Kooperation von der Bucerius Law School und der WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management angeboten wird. Bucerius Law School Intranet. Summary of Course Offerings